2016 Vol. 29, No. 1
Objective To investigate the association of maternal body composition and dietary intake with the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Methods A total 154 GDM subjects and 981 controls were enrolled in a prospective cohort study in 11 hospitals from May 20, 2012 to December 31, 2013. Bioelectrical impedance analysis and dietary surveys were used to determine body composition and to evaluate the intake of nutrients in subjects at 21-24 weeks’ gestation (WG). Logistic regression analysis was applied to explore the relationships of maternal body composition and dietary intake with the risk of GDM morbidity. Results Age, pre-pregnant body weight (BW), and body mass index (BMI) were associated with increased risk of GDM. Fat mass (FM), fat mass percentage (FMP), extracellular water (ECW), BMI, BW, energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrates at 21-24 WG were associated with an increased risk of GDM. In contrast, fat free mass (FFM), muscular mass (MM), and intracellular water (ICW) were associated with a decreased risk of GDM. Conclusion Maternal body composition and dietary intake during the second trimester of pregnancy were associated with the risk of GDM morbidity.
ObjectiveWaist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio and waist-to-height ratio, which are the indicators or measures of abdominal adiposity, have long been hypothesized to increase therisk of stroke; yet evidence accumulated till date is not conclusive. Here, we conducted a dose-response meta-analysis to summarize evidences of the association between these measures of abdominal adiposity and the risk of stroke. MethodsPubMed and Web of Science databases were searched from inception to May 2015. Two investigators independently conducted the study selection and data extraction. Dose-response relationships were assessed by the generalized least squares trend estimation, while the summaryeffect estimates were evaluated by the use of fixed- or random-effect models. Subgroup and sensitivity analyses were performed to assess the potential sources of heterogeneity and the robustness of the pooled estimation. Publication biasof the literaturewas evaluated usingBegg’s and Egger’s test. ResultsAltogether 15 prospective cohort studies were identified in this study. The summary of relative risks (95% confidence intervals) of stroke for the highest versus the lowest categories was 1.28 (1.18-1.40) for waist circumference, 1.32 (1.21-1.44) for waist-to-hip ratio, and 1.49 (1.24-1.78) for waist-to-height ratio. For a 10-cm increase in waist circumference, the relative risk of stroke increased by 10%; for a 0.1-unit increase in waist-to-hip ratio, the relative risk increased by 16%; and for a 0.05-unit increase in waist-to-height ratio, the relative risk increased by 13%. There was evidence of a nonlinear association between waist-to-hip ratio and stroke risk,Pnonlinearity=0.028. ConclusionFindings from our meta-analysis indicated that waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, and waist-to-height ratio were positively associated with the risk of stroke, particularly ischemic stroke.
2016, 29(1): 24-40.
doi: 10.3967/bes2016.003
ObjectiveTo study the nutrition habits among Chinese-Korean children and adolescents in Yanbian Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin, China. MethodsData were obtained from the Chinese National Survey on Students’ Constitution and Health in 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010 for Chinese-Korean children and adolescents aged 7-18 years.The number of the subjects included was 4789, 4704, 5875, and 5315, respectively. ResultsThe rate of the occurrence of stunting showed a declining trend from 1995 to 2010 (for boys:urban, 6.3%; rural, 12.7% in 1995 and 3.5% for both in 2010. For girls: urban, 7.8%; rural, 13.4% in 1995 and 4.2% and 5.5%, respectively, in 2010). Although the ratio of wasting did not show significant differences between the urban and rural children and adolescents in 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010 respectively, the ratio of occurrence of overweight or obesity increased (for boys: urban, 7.3% and 1.3%in 1995, 17.6% and 12.9% in 2010; rural, 7.0% and 1.3% in 1995, 14.6% and 12.8% in 2010, respectively. For girls: urban, 8.1% and 1.0% in 1995, 17.3% and 8.6% in 2010; rural 5.7% and 0.7% in 1995, 16.4%and 7.4% in 2010, respectively). ConclusionThe ratio of malnutrition in children and adolescents in Chinese-Korean areas declined from 1995 to 2010, and the distinction in malnutrition between the urban and rural areas was negligible in 2010. Further, the ratio of overweight and obesity increased over this period.
ObjectiveTo evaluate a single-reaction genome amplification method, the multisegment reverse transcription-PCR (M-RTPCR), for its sensitivity to full genome sequencing of influenza A virus, and the ability to differentiate mix-subtype virus, using the next generation sequencing (NGS) platform. MethodsVirus genome copy was quantified and serially diluted to different titers, followed by amplification with the M-RTPCR method and sequencing on the NGS platform. Furthermore, we manually mixed two subtype viruses to different titer rate and amplified the mixed virus with the M-RTPCR protocol, followed by whole genome sequencing on the NGS platform. We also used clinical samples to test the method performance. ResultsThe M-RTPCR method obtained complete genome of testing virus at 125 copies/reaction and determined the virus subtype at titer of 25 copies/reaction. Moreover, the two subtypes in the mixed virus could be discriminated, even though these two virus copies differed by 200-fold using this amplification protocol. The sensitivity of this protocol we detected using virus RNA was also confirmed with clinical samples containing low-titer virus. ConclusionThe M-RTPCR is a robust and sensitive amplification method for whole genome sequencing of influenza A virus using NGS platform.
ObjectiveThis study aims to explore the clinical applicability and relevance of glycosaminoglycan Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (gagCEST) for intervertebral disc. Methods25 subjects ranging in age from 24 yrs to 74 yrswere enrolled.gagCESTwas acquired using a single-slice TSE sequence on a 3T. Saturation used a continuous rectangular RF pulse with B1=0.8 μT and a fixed duration time =1100 ms. Sagittal image was obtained firstly without saturation pulse, and then saturated images were acquired at 52 offsets ranging from ±0.125 to ±7 parts per million (ppm). MRT2 relaxivity map was acquired at the identical location. Six subjects were scanned twice to assess scan-rescan reproducibility. ResultsGagCEST intraclass correlation coefficient(ICC)of six subjects was 0.759 fornucleus pulposus (NP) and 0.508 forannulus fibrosus (AF). Bland-Altman plots showed NP had a mean difference of 0.10%(95% limits of agreement:-3.02% to 3.22%);whilethat of AF was0.34% (95% limits of agreement:-2.28% to 2.95%). For the25 subjects,gag CEST in NP decreased as discdegeneration increased, with a similar trend to T2 relaxivity.GagCEST of AF showed a bettercorrelation withdisc degenerationthanT2 relaxivity. ConclusionGagCEST in NP and AF decreased as discdegeneration increased, whilegagCEST in AF showed a bettercorrelation thanT2 relaxivity.
ObjectiveTo better comprehend the molecular structure and physiological functionof the housefly larval peritrophic matrix (PM), a mass spectrometry approach wasused to investigate the PM protein composition. MethodsThe PM was dissected from the midgut of the third instar larvae,and protein extracted from the PM wasevaluated using SDS-PAGE. A 1D-PAGE lane containing all protein bandswascut fromtop to bottom, the proteins in-geltrypsinised and analysedvia shotgun liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). ResultsIn total, 374 proteins, with molecular weightsvarying from 8.225 kD to996.065 kD and isoelectric points ranging from 3.83 to 11.24 were successfully identified, most identified proteins were mainly related to immunity, digestion,nutrient metabolism and PM structure. Furthermore, many of these proteins were functionally associated with pattern binding, polysaccharide binding, structural constituent of peritrophic membrane and chitin binding, according to Gene Ontology annotation. ConclusionThe PM protein composition, which provides a basis for further functional investigations of the identified proteins,will be useful for understanding the housefly larval gut immune system and may help to identify potential targets and exploit new bioinsecticides.