Development of Quantitative Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Detection of Vibrio vulnificus Based on Hemolysin (vvhA) Coding System
Key words:
- Vibrio vulnificus /
- vvhA gene /
- TaqMan probe /
- Real-time quantitative PCR /
- Detection
Abstract: To establish a TaqMan real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR to detect Vibrio vulnificus based on the hemolysin gene (vvhA) coding cytolysin. Methods Primers and probes in the conserved region of the vvhA gene sequence were designed for the TaqMan real-time PCR to detect 100 bp amplicon from V. vulnificus DNA. Recombinant plasmid pMD19-vvhA100 was constructed and used as a positive control during the detection. Minimal amplification cycles (Ct value) and fluorescence intensity enhancement (△Rn value) were used as observing indexes to optimize the reaction conditions of TaqMan real-time PCR. The TaqMan assay for the detection of Vbirio vulnificus was evaluated in pure culture, mice tissue which artificially contaminated Vibrio vulnificus and clinical samples. Results The established TaqMan real-time PCR showed positive results only for Vibrio vulnificus DNA and pMD19-vvhA100. The standard curve was plotted and the minimum level of the vvhA target from the recombinant plasmid DNA was 10<'3> copies with a Ct value of 37.94±0.19, as the equivalent of 0.01 ng purified genomic DNA of Vibrio vulnificus. The results detected by TaqMan PCR were positive for the 16 clinical samples and all the specimens of peripheral blood and subcutaneous tissue of mice which were infected with Vibrio vulnificus. Conclusion TaqMan real-time PCR is a rapid, effective, and quantitative tool to detect Vibro vulnificus, and can be used in clinical laboratory diagnosis of septicemia and wound infection caused by Vibrio vulnificus.
Citation: | ZENG-HUI WU, YONG-LIANG LOU, YI-YU LU, JIE YAN. Development of Quantitative Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Detection of Vibrio vulnificus Based on Hemolysin (vvhA) Coding System[J]. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2008, 21(4): 296-301. |