Table 1 lists the MUI values, which ranged from 92.4-305.1 μg/L in the 12 high-risk IDD provinces over the 3 years. Table 2 shows the distribution of UI in high-risk areas, where UI values ranging from 100-200 μg/L accounted for 36.9%, 37.8%, and 35.3% of all measurements in 2012, 2013, and 2014, respectively. The MUI of the children from the 8 provinces and municipalities with excessive water iodine ranged from 251.1-977.5 μg/L, as presented in Table 3. UI concentrations ranging from 500-1000 μg/L accounted for 31.3% and 25.3% of all measurements in 2012 and 2014, while UI values ranging from 300-500 μg/L made up the largest percentage (29.1%) in 2013 (Table 4).
Province Year Urine Samples Ultrasound Samples n MUI (μg/L) n GP (%) Fujian 2012 480 136.7 480 2.7 2013 481 124.7 483 1.2 2014 305 106.2 308 1.6 Guangdong 2012 480 124.0 480 1.0 2013 480 92.4 480 2.3 2014 480 157.6 480 5.6 Guangxi 2012 1200 115.2 1200 0.6 2013 1200 146.1 1200 0.0 2014 1200 118.5 1200 0.3 Hainan 2012 478 169.8 475 0.0 2013 475 116.5 473 0.2 Henan 2014 240 305.1 2400 7.1 Hebei 2012 240 256.7 240 4.2 Jiangxi 2012 239 192.0 240 0.8 Ningxia 2012 240 185.0 240 2.1 Qinghai 2013 490 147.3 493 0.4 2014 757 168.8 768 0.0 Tibet 2012 1179 142.3 575 4.7 2013 393 166.5 362 0.8 Xinjiang 2012 4102 186.3 4110 1.7 2013 4097 191.1 4127 1.6 2014 4195 174.4 4191 1.2 Zhejiang 2012 243 178.4 247 4.5 2013 995 119.5 995 0.0 2014 782 160.6 782 5.0 Note. MUI, median urine iodine; GP, goiter prevalence. Table 1. Evaluation of the Iodine Nutrition Status of Children in High-risk Areas
Item/Year 2012 2013 2014 n 8881 8611 7959 MUI (μg/L) 163.8 153.9 162.6 Frequency distribution of UI (%) < 50 μg/L 8.1 7.5 8.2 50-μg/L 17.6 19.6 18.3 100-μg/L 36.9 37.8 35.3 200-μg/L 22.5 22.3 21.6 ≥300 μg/L 14.9 12.8 16.6 Note. MUI, median urine iodine; UI, urine iodine. Table 2. Distribution of Urine Iodine Concentrations in 8-10-year-old Children in High-risk Areas
Province Year Water Iodine Concentrations Urine Iodine Concentrations Ultrasound n MWI (μg/L) n MUI (μg/L) n GP (%) Anhui 2012 2 323.7 57 884.1 153 3.9 2013 2 253.2 60 558.1 213 4.7 2014 3 252.0 61 668.0 205 11.7 Hebei 2012 27 222.4 886 434.5 1422 4.1 2013 33 225.3 982 370.7 1475 5.3 2014 24 266.0 944 261.5 1462 7.9 Henan 2012 10 222.5 291 351.1 727 6.6 2013 10 184.5 670 282.8 850 3.5 2014 10 211.1 905 251.1 937 3.3 Jiangsu 2012 3 410.9 79 702.5 184 0.5 2013 3 394.5 88 799.4 214 1.4 2014 3 385.4 150 977.5 244 2.9 Shandong 2012 16 144.4 564 403.3 1818 9.5 2013 19 334.4 1723 470.6 1739 5.0 2014 19 274.7 1520 407.2 1539 18.9 Shanxi 2012 3 222.7 188 375.5 384 6.3 2013 7 257.1 265 463.3 422 5.9 2014 7 371.9 188 482.5 482 7.5 Shaanxi 2012 1 98.8 100 293.6 100 1.0 2013 1 92.8 100 271.7 101 5.0 2014 1 90.6 92 281.4 213 1.9 Tianjin 2012 1 394.0 105 707.1 105 10.5 2013 1 399.0 38 647.3 106 10.4 2014 1 303.0 100 477.2 100 10.0 Note. MWI, median water iodine; MUI, median urine iodine; GP, goiter prevalence. Table 3. Sample Size and Iodine Status of Areas with Iodine Excess
Item/Year 2012 2013 2014 n 2270 3926 3960 MUI (μg/L) 426.6 399.7 377.5 Frequency distribution of UI (%): < 100 μg/L 3.9 4.4 9.4 100-μg/L 12.6 14.1 15.8 200-μg/L 13.2 16.7 15.0 300-μg/L 29.4 29.1 23.0 500-μg/L 31.3 28.2 25.3 ≥1000 μg/L 9.6 7.5 11.5 Note. MUI, median urine iodine; UI, urine iodine. Table 4. Distribution of Urine Iodine in Children Aged 8-10 years in Areas with High Iodine
We collected 63, 76, and 68 water samples in provinces with excessive iodine in 2012, 2013, and 2014, respectively. Table 3 shows that the median concentration of iodine in water from the 8 provinces with excessive iodine (except for Shandong in 2012 and Shaanxi for all 3 years) ranged from 90.6-410.9 μg/L, higher than the Chinese national limit of 150 μg/L[10].
In the areas at high risk of IDD, goiter prevalence was lower than the national standard for IDD elimination (5%)[11], except in Henan and Guangdong provinces in 2014 (Table 1). The prevalence of goiter in children in Henan (2012), Shandong (2012, 2014), Shanxi (2012-2014), Tianjin (2012-2014), Hebei (2013, 2014), Anhui (2014) provinces and municipalities with excessive iodine were above 5% from 2012 to 2014, as shown in Table 3.
As shown in Table 5, we collected 2270 urine samples in 2012 from children in areas with high iodine. The overall UI for those samples measured 426.6 μg/L, much higher than that of high-risk endemic areas (UI, 163.8 μg/L; Z=-50.666; P < 0.001). We obtained similar results in 2013 (Z=-59.762; P < 0.001) and 2014 (Z=-48.758; P < 0.001). The prevalence of goiter among children from areas with high iodine in 2012 was 6.6%, much higher than that for children from high-risk endemic areas (1.8%; χ2=202.789; P < 0.001). We obtained similar results in 2013 (χ2=192.726; P < 0.001) and 2014 (χ2=445.932; P < 0.001).
Survey Area 2012 2013 2014 HR HI HR HI HR HI na 8881 2270 8611 3926 7959 3960 MUI (μg/L) 163.8 426.6 153.9 399.7 162.6 377.5 UI, mean±SD (μg/L) 188.1±138.0 526.8±424.0 180.0±132.8 472.7±336.7 188.6±133.1 499.6±442.2 nb 8287 4893 8613 5120 7969 5182 GP (%) 1.8 6.6 1.1 4.9 1.8 10.0 Note. MUI, median urine iodine; GP, goiter prevalence; HR, high-risk endemic areas; HI, areas with high iodine; na, sample size of urine iodine; nb, sample size of thyroid ultrasonography. Table 5. Comparisons of UI and GP in Children between Areas with High Iodine and High-risk Endemias
We observed a weak correlation between UI and thyroid volume in both high-risk areas and areas with high iodine. Therefore, we grouped children by UI level according to the World Health Organization (WHO) standard, and analyzed the relationship between MUI and goiter prevalence. We found a U-shaped relationship in high-risk endemic areas (Figure 1) and a parabolic relationship in areas with iodine excess (Figure 2). From the figures, we can see that goiter prevalence, for the same level of UI, was much higher in 2014 than in 2012 and 2013, because the sentinels selected in each year were not same, GP exhibited the above difference. For the high risk areas in 2014, goiter prevalence of Guangdong and Henan provinces were above 5%, MUI of Guangdong (157.6 μg/L) was appropriate, but MUI of Henan (305.1 μg/L) was excessive, the possible reason is that some places of excess iodine water was nearby, so water iodine detection should be added.
Figure 1. The relationship between median urine iodine concentration and the prevalence of goiter in children from high-risk IDD areas, over a 3-year period. We divided the UI levels into 6 groups: < 20, 20-49.9, 50-99.9, 100-199.9, 200-299, and > 300 μg/L. Goiter prevalence initially decreased, but subsequently increased with increasing median urine iodine concentrations, forming a U-shaped curve.
Figure 2. The relationship between median urine iodine concentration and the prevalence of goiter in children from areas with high iodine levels in 2005 and 2012-2014. We divided the UI levels into 6 groups: < 20, 20-49.9, 50-99.9, 100-199.9, 200-299, and > 300 μg/L. Goiter prevalence increased with increases in median urine iodine concentration, forming a parabolic curve.