The annual average fine particle concentration at 0.1° ×0.1° spatial resolution was obtained from the 'Ambient air pollution exposure estimation for the Global Burden of Disease 2013' dataset[8]. The globally annual average PM2.5 at 0.1° ×0.1° spatial resolution in this dataset was estimated by combining satellite-based estimates, chemical transport model simulations, and ground measurements from 79 different countries[8]. We extracted the concentration of PM2.5 at 0.1° ×0.1° spatial resolution in Guangzhou city by matching the latitude and longitude from the dataset. The population-weighted PM2.5 exposure concentration was calculated based on the population density at 0.1° ×0.1° spatial resolution original from 'Gridded Population of the World, version 3, GPWv3'[23] in the same dataset. To explore the trend of PM2.5 concentration in Guangzhou, the annual population-weighted average concentrations for five-year intervals from 1990 to 2010 and the years of 2011 and 2012 were also calculated based on the same dataset through the process displayed above.
Information of the sex-and age-specific lung cancer mortality and incidence, and population data were derived from the Annual Report of Guangzhou Cancer Registry. In China, cancer surveillance is a routine work of each local Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guided by the national CDC. The cancer surveillance program was started in 2004 in Guangzhou with elaborate design and quality control procedures. As the surveillance program covers all districts in Guangzhou, surveillance data from this program are likely city-wide representative and credible. Based on the surveillance data, we calculated the disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) using the same method in the Global Burden of Disease (GBD)[24-25]. The details of the calculation are provided below.
First, we estimated the years of life lost (YLL) using the following Equation 1:
$$YLL = \sum {d_x} \times L$$ (1) x is the onset age of death, dx is the number of deaths at age x, L is the life expectancy at age x. In the current study, the standard life table employed was the same as that of the GBD study, which was based on the lowest observed death rate for each age group in countries with a population of more than 5 million[25]. Second, the years lived with disability (YLD) were estimated based on the Equation 2, as follows:
$$YLD = I \times DW \times L$$ (2) I is the incidence of disease within a certain period, DW is disability weight implying the severity of a certain disease status which was derived from the GBD disability weight study[26], and L is the average duration of a certain disease estimated by the DisMod-Ⅱ, a computer program developed specifically for the GBD study[27]. Therefore, we used incidence, mortality, remission rate (for lung cancer, we assumed the remission rate was zero) as inputs to get L for each age group. Finally, we estimated the DALY using the following Equation 3:
$$DALY = YLL + YLD$$ (3) -
Comparative risk analysis (CRA) was used to estimate the attributed disease burden of lung cancer due to PM2.5[28]. CRA is defined as the systematic evaluation of the changes in population health that result from modifying the population distribution of exposure to a risk factor towards counterfactual exposure rather than the difference between 'exposed' and 'unexposed' status[28]. The key of this method is to estimate the population attributable fraction (PAF), which indicates the proportion of disease burden attributed to a specific risk. The formula for calculating PAF in our study was the following Equation 4:
$$PAF = \frac{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {{P_i}(R{R_i}} - 1)}}{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {{P_i}(R{R_i} - 1) + 1} }}$$ (4) Pi is the fraction of population in exposure level i, RRiis the relative risk for exposure level i[29]. In our study, all populations were assumed to be exposed to the population-weighted average PM2.5 concentration estimated through the procedure displayed above because the individual exposure level data cannot be obtained. To use the same methods as the GBD studies, we adopted the feasible minimum risk distribution as counterfactual exposure because there was no consensus for a theoretical minimum exposure level, which is a uniform distribution between 5.8 μg/m3 and 8.8 μg/m3[30]. The RR of exposure to the factual level of PM2.5 compared with the counterfactual exposure was derived from the integrated exposure-response (IER) function introduced by Richard T Burnett[30]. The IER function was shown as following Equation 5, where z is the factual exposure level and zcf is the counterfactual exposure level. α, γ, and δ are parameters. For very large z, RR approximates 1 + α. δ is included to predict risk over a very large range of concentrations. γ can be interpreted as the ratio of the RR at low-to-high exposures[30].
$$\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {Z < {Z_{cf}}}\\ {RR\left( z \right) = 1}\\ {Z \ge {Z_{cf}}}\\ {RR\left( z \right) = 1 + \alpha \left\{ {1 - {\rm{exp}}\left[ { - \gamma {{\left( {Z - {Z_{cf}}} \right)}^\delta }} \right]} \right\}} \end{array}$$ (5) The lung cancer burden attributed to PM2.5 pollution was calculated using DALYs of lung cancer multiply by PAF. Monte Carlo simulation-modelling techniques were used to estimate uncertainty ranges around point estimates reflecting the main sources of uncertainty in the calculations[25]. Suggested disease diagnostic uncertainty and coding uncertainty for each age, sex and year were considered when calculating YLL and YLD, in which ±7 percent uncertainty for non-communicable diseases was suggested by the GBD study[31]. In addition, the uncertainty of disability weight[26] was aggregated for YLD estimation, and the uncertainty from RR[30] was taken into the calculation of attributed burden of PM2.5. Uncertainty of YLL, YLD, and DALY has been captured by taking 1, 000 draws for each uncertainty of corresponding inputs. The 95% uncertainty interval (UI) around each quantity of interest is presented as the 2.5th and 97.5th centile values[25].
This study was based on official cancer surveillance aggregate data in Guangzhou, which did not contain any identifiable information. Analyses were conducted at the aggregate level and no confidential information was involved. The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Evaluation of Ambient Fine Particulate Matter Exposure
Calculation of Burden of Disease Due to Lung Cancer
Estimation of PM2.5 Attributed Disease Burden in Lung Cancer
Table 1 and Table 2 show the age-, and sex-specific incidence rate and mortality rate of lung cancer reported by the Annual Report of Guangzhou Cancer Registry in 2005 and 2013. The incidence rate of lung cancer in 2005 was 52.07 per 100, 000 (66.26 per 100, 000 for males and 37.14 per 100, 000 for females), which increased to 52.54 per 100, 000 (68.29 per 100, 000 for males and 36.49 per 100, 000 for females) in 2013. In addition, the mortality rate of lung cancer increased more sharply than the incidence rate, from 33.03 per 100, 000 (43.38 per 100, 000 for males and 58.88 per 100, 000 for females) to 43.47 per 100, 000 (22.18 per 100, 000 for males and 27.76 per 100, 000 for females) from 2005 to 2013. Both the incidence and mortality rates were increased consistently with the increase of age. Moreover, the incidence and mortality rates among males for each age group were approximately double compared to those among females.
Age 2005 2013 Total Male Female Total Male Female 0- 0.28 0.10 0.47 0.06 0.11 0.00 20- 0.56 0.46 0.67 0.69 0.81 0.57 30- 1.11 1.46 0.75 4.11 3.48 4.72 40- 3.69 4.38 2.94 21.16 27.11 15.17 50- 10.93 13.92 7.93 72.83 95.31 49.77 60- 38.04 48.88 27.24 168.58 237.51 102.91 70- 104.06 148.63 64.94 303.94 433.71 189.10 80- 506.97 902.19 281.52 349.95 512.74 237.83 Total 52.07 66.26 37.14 52.54 68.29 36.49 Table 1. Age-, Sex-specific Incidence Rate (Per 100, 000) of Lung Cancer in 2005 and 2013 in Guangzhou, China
Age 2005 2013 Total Male Female Total Male Female 0- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.11 0.00 20- 0.20 0.30 0.08 0.41 0.40 0.42 30- 0.53 0.98 0.08 2.32 2.27 2.36 40- 2.40 2.23 2.59 15.04 19.65 10.40 50- 6.27 7.91 4.64 54.34 78.27 29.79 60- 24.99 35.13 14.88 121.61 181.93 64.15 70- 66.16 103.06 33.78 268.43 401.98 150.25 80- 339.46 645.54 164.85 373.03 536.99 260.10 Total 33.03 43.38 22.18 43.47 58.88 27.76 Table 2. Age-, Sex-specific Mortality Rate (Per 100, 000) of Lung Cancer in 2005 and 2013 in Guangzhou, China
Table 3 shows the lung cancer burden from 2005 to 2013 indicated by YLL, YLD, and DALY. There were increasing trends of DALY among both males and females. The DALYs for both males and females were higher in 2013 (48930.6 and 22522.9, respectively) than 2005 (35451.0 and 17004.0, respectively). The total DALYs have increased by 34.6% from 2005 to 2013. The increasing trends of YLL in males and females were similar with DALYs. While total YLD from 2005 to 2013 did not change apparently, YLD decreased slightly among males and slightly increased among females. To eliminate the impact of population increase, the rates of the three measurements were calculated. The DALY rates among both males and females also appeared to be raised, and the total DALY rate increased from 7.08 per 1, 000 to 8.61 per 1, 000. The number of DALYs among males was approximately double compared to that among females (Table 3) in both years. This pattern was similar for lung cancer incidence and mortality rates in males and females (Table 1 and Table 2). Figure 1 shows that, from 2005 to 2013, the disease burden increased consistently in each age group except the 30-age group and sharply increased after age 45 in both years. The age-standardized DALY rates of lung cancer were 6.27 per 1, 000 and 6.52 per 1, 000 in 2005 and 2013 respectively.
Item 2005 2013 Total Male Female Total Male Female YLL 47527.0
(46491.7, 48507.1)32456.0
(31560.6, 33282.8)15071.0
(14670.7, 15474.9)66486.1
(65057.2, 67892.8)46540.8
(45272.9, 47791.3)19945.4
(19419.2, 204458)YLD 4928.0
(3939.6, 5975.1)2995.0
(2229.1, 3847.3)1933.0
(1424.9, 2453.4)4967.4
(4020.3, 6048.5)2389.8
(1779.4, 3069.1)2577.6
(1920.3, 3309.4)DALY 52455.0
(50888.4, 54047.3)35451.0
(34004.2, 36919.3)17004.0
(16191.1, 17799.1)71453.5
(69679.2, 73226.3)48930.6
(47289.5, 50533.3)22522.9
(21470.6, 23557.8)YLL
(6.28, 6.55)8.60
(8.32, 8.78)4.20
(4.06, 4.28)8.01
(7.84, 8.18)11.11
(10.81, 11.41)4.85
(4.72, 4.97)YLD
(0.53, 0.81)0.80
(0.59, 1.01)0.50
(0.39, 0.68)0.60
(0.48, 0.73)0.57
(0.42, 0.73)0.63
(0.47, 0.81)DALY
(6.87, 7.30)9.40
(8.97, 9.74)4.70
(4.48, 4.92)8.61
(8.40, 8.82)11.68
(11.29, 12.07)5.48
(5.22, 5.73)Table 3. Years of Life Lost (YLL), Years Lived with Disability (YLD), Disability-adjusted Life Years (DALYs) and the Corresponding Rates (per 1, 000) with 95% Uncertainty Interval for Lung Cancer in 2005 and 2013 in Guangzhou, China
The annual population-weighted average PM2.5 concentrations from 1990 to 2013 with five-year intervals are shown in Figure 2. The population-weighted average concentration of PM2.5 increased from 38.37 μg/m3in 1990 to 51.31 μg/m3 in 2013, indicating an increase of 34.6%. The PM2.5 concentration increased monotonously during the past decades, with a sharp rise between 2000 and 2005. While the increasing trend has declined during the recent years, the PAF increased consistently from 18.7% in 1990 to 23.1% in 2013. The average estimated PAF from 1990 to 2013 was 21.8% (from 18.7% to 23.1%), indicating that 21.8% of the total disease burden due to lung cancer was attributable to the PM2.5 pollution.
Table 4 shows that the attributed DALYs for both males and females increased from 2005 to 2013. The attributed DALYs were 12105.0 (8181.0 for males and 3924.0 for females) in 2005 and 16489.3 (11291.7 for males and 5197.6 for females) in 2011. Meanwhile, the same pattern was observed when we used the DALY rate, which was increased from 1.63 per 1, 000 (2.17 per 1, 000 for males and 1.08 per 1, 000 for females) in 2005 to 1.99 per 1, 000 (2.70 per 1, 000 for males and 1.26 per 1, 000 for females) in 2013. The standardized DALY rates of lung cancer were 1.45 per 1, 000 and 1.50 per 1, 000 in 2005 and 2013 respectively.
Item 2005 2013 Total Male Female Total Male Female YLL 10967.8
(7229.5, 13964.7)7489.8
(4910.3, 9519.8)3477.9
(2282.6, 4425.9)15342.9
(10116.6, 19542.0)10740.2
(7072.4, 13791.2)4602.8
(3021.1, 5851.5)YLD 1137.2
(707.8, 1600.1)691.2
(416.4, 1016.8)446.1
(266.1, 648.4)1146.3
(720.0, 1620.5)551.5
(658.0, 1468.2)594.8
(358.6, 874.6)DALY 12105.0
(7980.2, 15626.1)8181.0
(5398.3, 10560.3)3924.0
(2579.2, 5080.3)16489.3
(10902.8, 21228.8)11291.7
(7413.5, 14552.3)5197.6
(3418.4, 6725.8)YLL
(0.98, 1.89)1.98
(1.30, 2.51)0.97
(0.63, 1.22)1.85
(1.22, 2.35)2.56
(1.69, 3.29)1.12
(0.74, 1.42)YLD
(0.10, 0.22)0.18
(0.11, 0.27)0.12
(0.07, 0.18)0.14
(0.09, 0.20)0.13
(0.16, 0.35)0.15
(0.09, 0.21)DALY
(1.08, 2.11)2.17
(1.42, 2.78)1.08
(0.71, 1.40)1.99
(1.31, 2.56)2.70
(1.77, 3.47)1.26
(0.83, 1.64)Table 4. Years of Life Lost (YLL), Years Lived With Disability (YLD), and Disability-adjusted Life Years (DALYs) with 95% Uncertainty Intervals for Lung Cancer Attributed to PM2.5 in 2013 in Guangzhou, China