A total of 1, 921 pregnant women were recruited in the study. Table 1 shows the participants' baseline characteristics, including the participants' socio-demographic characteristics, health-related behaviors, and obstetric history. The mean (standard deviation, SD; range) age of the participants was 30.9 years old (SD = 4.3, age range: 18-44 years old), and 54.6% of the study participants were older than 30 years old. Approximately 80% of the participants and their spouses had post-secondary education. The majority of the participants (74.6%) were working during their pregnancy, and 72.7% of the subjects' household incomes were less than 10, 000 CNY per month. The mean pre-pregnancy BMI was 21.7 kg/m2 (SD = 3.2, pre-pregnancy BMI range: 14.6-32.0 kg/m2). About 16% of the participants were identified as underweight before pregnancy, while 22.5% of the subjects were identified as overweight/obese. A large proportion of the women (67.2%) were primip-arous, and 26.3% of the subjects had a history of abortion. The proportion of women who had (passive and/or active) cigarette and alcohol consumption during pregnancy was low (15.0% and 4.6%, respectively).
Characteristics n % Age (y) < 25 142 7.4 25- 729 38.0 30- 696 36.2 ≥ 35 354 18.4 Education level Low 347 18.1 Intermediate 1, 373 71.5 High 201 10.4 Spouses' education level Low 396 20.6 Intermediate 1, 289 67.1 High 236 12.3 Employment Unemployment 487 25.4 Employment 1, 434 74.6 Family monthly income (CNY) < 5, 000 528 27.5 5, 000- 869 45.2 ≥ 10, 000 524 27.3 Pre-pregnancy BMI Underweight 309 16.1 Normal weight 1, 180 61.4 Overweight 338 17.6 Obese 94 4.9 Parity Primipara 1, 290 67.2 Multipara 631 32.8 History of abortion Yes 506 26.3 No 1, 415 73.7 Smoking (passive and/or active) during pregnancy Smokers 289 15.0 Nonusers 1, 632 85.0 Alcohol consumption during pregnancy Alcohol consumers 89 4.6 Nonusers 1, 832 95.4 Table 1. Characteristics of Study Participants (n = 1, 921)
From July 2015 to July 2016, 93.1% of the study participants took a FA supplement before and/or during pregnancy, 87.9% took a FA supplement during pregnancy, and 5.2% took FA supplement only in the preconceptional period (Table 2). Among the 1, 788 participants who took FA, 1, 664 (93.1%) took FA regularly, 715 (37.2%) took FA supplements before pregnancy, and 708 (39.6%) took FA during pregnancy for a duration of six months or greater. Of the women who took periconceptional FA supplements of a wide dose range (200-5, 000 μg/d), 99.2% of them took a FA dose of 400-1, 000 μg/d, while 57.4% took a FA dose of 400 μg/d. Only 14.4% of the participants adhered to the NHFPC of the People's Republic of China's recommendation for FA intake.
Folic Acid Supplement Use n % Periconceptional folic acid supplementation (n = 1, 921) Yes 1, 788 93.1 No 133 6.9 Regularly intake of folic acid supplementation (n = 1, 788) Regularly intake 1, 664 93.1 Irregularly intake 124 6.9 Dosage of folic acid supplementation (n = 1, 788) < 400 μg/d 5 0.3 400 μg/d 1, 027 57.4 401-600 μg/d 136 7.6 601-800 μg/d 579 32.4 801-1, 000 μg/d 33 1.8 > 1, 000 μg/d 8 0.5 Time of folic acid supplement initiation (n = 1, 788) < 1 month preconception 190 10.6 1-3 months preconception 126 7.1 ≥ 3 months preconception 399 22.3 < 1 month postconception 13 0.7 1-3 months postconception 996 55.7 ≥ 3 months postconception 64 3.6 Intake duration of folic acid supplementation (n = 1, 788) Preconception only 100 5.6 < 3 months during postconception only 202 11.3 3-6 months during postconception only 438 24.5 ≥ 6 months during postconception only 434 24.3 Preconception and < 3 months during postconception 65 3.6 Preconception and 3-6 months during postconception 275 15.4 Preconception and ≥ 6 months during postconception 274 15.3 Folic acid supplementation based on NHFPC's recommendation* (n = 1, 921) Nonusers 133 6.9 Users not meeting NHFPC's recommendation* 1, 512 78.7 Users meeting NHFPC's recommendation* 276 14.4 Note. *The recommendation is that 400 μg of folic acid should be taken daily from three months preconception until three months of pregnancy, according to the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China. Table 2. Folic Acid Supplementation Status of the Study Participants
Significant statistical differences were found in the periconceptional use of FA supplementation between groups of different ages, education levels, spouse education levels, employment statuses, family monthly income, and parity (Table 3). Women who reported using a FA supplement from three months preconception and during pregnancy for a duration of three months or longer were more likely to be between 30 and 34 years old, primiparity, employed, married to a spouse with a better education level, and earn a higher family monthly income (Figure 1). Results from the unconditional logistic regression analysis revealed that primiparity was the most important determinant in the taking of FA at a dose that adhered to the NHFPC's recommendation, followed by a family monthly income greater than 10, 000 CNY, a spouse with an intermediate education level, an age between 30-and 34 years old, and employment, with an OR of 5.20 (95% CI: 3.02, 8.96), 3.19 (95% CI: 1.57, 6.49), 2.92 (95% CI: 1.45, 5.89), 2.91 (95% CI: 1.15, 7.33), and 2.07 (95% CI: 1.17, 3.67), respectively (P < 0.05).
Characteristic Nonusers Users not Meeting the
RecommendationaUsers Meeting the
RecommendationaPb n % n % n % Age (y) 0.001 < 25 17 12.0 114 80.3 11 7.7 25- 42 5.8 581 79.7 106 14.5 30- 43 6.2 530 76.1 123 17.7 ≥ 35 31 8.8 287 81.1 36 10.2 Education level < 0.001 Low 54 15.6 256 73.8 37 10.7 Intermediate 71 5.2 1, 107 80.6 195 14.2 High 8 4.0 149 74.1 44 21.9 Spouses' education level < 0.001 Low 63 15.9 297 75.0 36 9.1 Intermediate 55 4.3 1, 049 81.4 185 14.4 High 15 6.4 166 70.3 55 23.3 Employment < 0.001 Unemployment 68 14.0 374 76.8 45 9.2 Employment 65 4.5 1, 138 79.4 231 16.1 Family monthly income (CNY) < 0.001 < 5, 000 67 12.7 416 78.8 45 8.5 5, 000- 45 5.2 682 78.5 142 16.3 ≥ 10, 000 21 4.0 414 79.0 89 17.0 Pre-pregnancy BMI 0.444 Underweight 23 7.4 245 79.3 41 13.3 Normal weight 74 6.3 932 79.0 174 14.7 Overweight 31 9.2 256 75.7 51 15.1 Obese 5 5.3 79 84.0 10 10.6 Parity 0.000 Primipara 65 5.0 998 77.4 227 17.6 Multipara 68 10.8 514 81.5 49 7.8 History of abortion 0.979 Yes 36 7.1 397 78.5 73 14.4 No 97 6.9 1, 115 78.8 203 14.3 Smoking (passive and/or active) during pregnancy 0.813 Smokers 22 7.6 228 78.9 39 13.5 Nonusers 111 6.8 1, 284 78.7 237 14.5 Alcohol consumption during pregnancy 0.577 Alcohol consumers 5 5.6 74 83.1 10 11.2 Nonusers 128 7.0 1, 438 78.5 266 14.5 Note. aThe recommendation is that 400 μg of folic acid should be taken daily from three months preconception until three months of pregnancy, according to the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China. bAnalysis of chi-squared test. Table 3. Participants' Characteristics Related to Folic Acid Supplementation Status based on the NHFPC's Recommendation among Pregnant Women (n = 1, 921)
Figure 1. Forest plots of the association between participants' characteristics and folic acid supplementation in (A) folic acid users not meeting the recommendation (n= 1, 512) and (B) folic acid users meeting the recommendation (n = 276). OR, odds ratios; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval. Analysis of multivariable logistic regression model. The recommendation is that 400 μg of folic acid should be taken daily from three months preconception until three months of pregnancy, according to the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China.