Through questionnaire we collected data of demographic characteristics of 84 pairs of esophageal cancer patients and healthy controls. There were 52 (62%) males and 32 (38%) females in each group, and Table 1 shows the age, smoking, alcohol consumption, gastrointestinal disease history, family history of cancer, education, and occupation of the two groups. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the average age distribution, family history of cancer and education between the case group and the control group, while the distribution of smoking, alcohol consumption, history of gastrointestinal diseases and occupation was statistically different.
Variables ESCC Patients (n = 84) Healthy Controls (n = 84) P Valuea Age (year) 61.83 ± 7.63 63.06 ± 9.08 0.345 Smoking indexb < 400 45 65 0.002 ≥ 400 39 19 Alcohol consumption Never 43 60 0.011 Yesc 41 24 Digestive disease history 0.028 No 67 79 Yes 9 2 Family history of cancer No 70 78 0.153 Yes 10 5 Education Primary school and illiterate 48 44 0.618 Junior high school and above 18 20 Occupation Peasants 70 51 0.001 Others 14 33 Note.aχ2 test for smoking, alcohol use, digestive disease history, family history of cancer, education and occupation. bSmoking index = cigarettes/day × smoking years. cConsumed alcohol at least once a month. Table 1. Characteristics of ESCC Patients and Healthy Controls
Fluorescence quantitative PCR was used to validate the expression of up-regulated miRNAs (miR-19b-3p, miR-25-3p, miR-93-5p, and let-7i-5p) selected by plasma microarray in preoperative esophageal cancer patients and healthy controls. The expression of miRNAs in plasma was analyzed by paired t test. As shown in Table 2, the expression of miR-93-5p was statistically different (P = 0.035) between the two groups, the expression level in the plasma of ESCC patients being 1.39 times higher than that of the control population, while the expression of miR-19b-3p, miR-25-3p, and let-7i-5p did not differ significantly (P > 0.05).
Groups miRNAs N △Cta △△Ctb 2 –ΔΔCt P Value ESCC Patients miR-19b-3p 83 3.684 ± 2.212 -0.116 ± 2.596 1.084 0.684 ( > 0.05) miR-25-3p 81 0.589 ± 1.680 -0.313 ± 2.120 1.242 0.188 ( > 0.05) miR-93-5p 82 0.291 ± 1.798 -0.472 ± 1.987 1.387 0.035 ( < 0.05) let-7i-5p 81 2.731 ± 2.633 -0.341 ± 2.051 1.266 0.139 ( > 0.05) Healthy Controls miR-19b-3p 3.800 ± 1.900 miR-25-3p 0.902 ± 2.017 miR-93-5p 0.763 ± 1.694 let-7i-5p 3.072 ± 2.354 Note. aΔCt = Cttarget miRNA -CtU6. bΔΔCt = ΔCtESCC patients plasma -ΔCthealthy controls plasma. Table 2. Differential Expression of Four Candidate miRNAs in Plasma from ESCC Patients vs. Healthy Controls by RT-PCR
To investigate the relationship between the expression of plasma miR-93-5p and the risk of esophageal cancer, the expression of miR-93-5p (-ΔCt) was set as covariate and analyzed by conditional logistic regression. The up-regulation of plasma miR-93-5p in ESCC patients increased the risk of esophageal cancer, OR = 1.280, P = 0.042. This suggests that miR-93-5p may play an important role in the development of esophageal cancer.
To explore whether the expression of miR-93-5p in esophageal cancer cells is different from that in adjacent tissues, miRNA sequencing data of 185 cases of esophageal cancer patients from the TCGA database were analyzed. As shown in Table 3, the expression of miR-93-5p in cancer tissues was significantly higher than that in adjacent tissues (P < 0.05). In addition, patients were divided into two groups according to their mean expression levels and the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was carried out. We found miR-93-5p is significantly related with patient survival. Compared with the low expression group, miR-93-5p overexpression was significantly associated with poor clinical outcome (Figure 1).
Groups miRNAs N Expression Levela t Value P Value Esophageal cancer tissues miR-93-5p 185 3.9 ± 0.13 -12.232 < 0.001 Adjacent tissues 13 3.4 ± 0.28 Note. amiR-93-5p expression was logarithmically transformed. Table 3. Expression of miR-93-5p in Esophageal and Paracancerous Tissues
The co-culture model of Transwell upper and lower chambers was used to study the transfer of miR-93-5p by exosomes from donor cells to recipient cells and the resulting effects. As shown in Figure 2A, donor EC9706 cells were grown in the upper chamber of a Transwell plate, while the lower chamber was seeded with recipient EC9706 cells. The diameter of the bottom membrane of the chamber was 0.4 μm, which allows the passage of supernatants but not that of the cellular components. Red fluorescence was visible in most of the recipient EC9706 cells after the donor EC9706 cells were transfected with Cy3-labeled miR-93-5p mimics and co-cultured with recipient EC9706 cells for 24 h (Figure 2B). QRT-PCR results showed that when miR-93-5p mimics were transfected into EC9706 cells for 48 h, the expression level of miR-93-5p in recipient EC9706 cells was 1.44 times that of miR-NC group after co-culture for 24 h (Figure 2C), which indicates that the donor cell EC9706-derived miR-93-5p was transferred into the recipient EC9706 cells by exosomes.
The expression of miR-93-5p in miRNA-transfected EC9706 cells and their exosomes was detected by real-time quantitative PCR. As shown in Figure 3, in EC9706 cells, the expression level of miR-93-5p in the miR-93-5p mimic transfection group was 108 times that of the control group (P < 0.05); in exosomes of EC9706 cells, the expression level of miR-93-5p in the miR-93-5p-mimic-transfected group was 230 times that of the control group (P < 0.05); in recipient EC9706 cells, the expression level of miR-93-5p in the miR-93-5p-mimic-transfected group was 1.8 times that of the control group (P < 0.05).
Figure 3. Expression of miR-93-5p in miRNA mimic-transfected EC9706 cells and exosomes. From left to right are miR-93-mimic transfected EC9706 cells, miR-NC-mimic transfected EC9706 cells, exosomes of miR-93-mimic transfected EC9706 cells, exosomes of miR-NC-mimic transfected EC9706 cells, recipient EC9706 cells of miR-93-5p-mimic transfected group, and recipient EC9706 cells of miR-NC-mimic transfected group. *P < 0.05 compared with the cell NC-mimic group, **P < 0.05 compared to the exo NC-mimic group, #P < 0.05 compared with the recipient miR-NC-mimc group.
The proliferation of EC9706 cells was detected after co-culture for 24 h, and the proliferation rate of the miR-93-5p group was 36.95% ± 5.58%, which was significantly higher than that of the negative control group 30.60% ± 3.91% (P < 0.05). This indicates that after donor EC9706 cells overexpressed miR-93-5p, miR-93-5p transferred by exosomes could promote the proliferation of recipient EC9706 cells through the cell co-culture model (Figure 4A-B). The cell cycle of recipient EC9706 cells was detected by flow cytometry after co-culture for 24 h. The proportion of G1 phase, S phase and G2 phase cells in the miR-93-5p mimic treatment group was 68.04% ± 0.81%, 23.26% ± 0.71%, and 8.70% ± 0.28%, respectively, while the proportion of G1 phase, S phase and G2 phase cells in the negative control group was 67.54% ± 0.87%, 23.53% ± 0.74%, and 8.92% ± 0.51%, respectively. There was no significant difference in the proportion of cells between the two groups (P > 0.05) (Figure 4D). Flow cytometry showed that the early apoptosis rate was 5.07% ± 1.55% after miR-93-5p mimics were transfected into EC9706 cells for 48 h, which was not significantly different (P = 0.797) from that of the negative control group 5.37% ± 1.08% (Figure 4C). This result suggests that miR-93-5p had no effect on the apoptosis of EC9706 cells. Compared with the negative control group, the migration and invasive ability of EC9706 cells in the miR-93-5p mimics transfection group were not significantly changed (P = 0.597) (Figure 4E-F). This suggests that miR-93-5p had no effect on EC9706 cell migration and invasion.
Figure 4. Effects of miR-93-5p transferred by exosomes on the biological function of recipient EC9706 cells. EdU staining of recipient EC9706 cells (A) and cell proliferation ratio (B), *P < 0.05 compared with the exo-miR-NC group. The apoptotic ratio of different MiRNA mimics transfected groups; Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 represent the dead cells, late apoptotic cells, normal live cells and early apoptotic cells, respectively, *P < 0.05 compared with MiR-NC group (C). Cycle detection of recipient EC9706 cells, *P < 0.05 compared with the exo-miR-NC group (D). Effect of miR-93-5p mimic on the migration of EC9706 cells (E). Effect of miR-93-5p mimic on the invasion of EC9706 cells (F).
The target genes of miR-93-5p were predicted by four miRNA target gene prediction software (DIANA, miRTarBase, RNA22, TargetMiner), with 2, 040, 375, 1, 191, and 7, 107 target genes predicted, respectively, and there were 217 uniform target genes among them (Figure 5A). Functional significance analysis and functional annotation of candidate target genes were performed by the GO database. The target genes of miR-93-5p belonged to 165 GO classes, with the significance function of the target gene being mainly focused on the molecular function (enzyme activation and binding, protein binding, ion binding, macromolecule complex binding, etc.), cell synthesis (cytoskeleton, intracellular composition, cell nucleus, organelle, cell and organelle membrane sector, etc.), biological procedures (protein localization, amino acid modification, genetic material synthesis and transcription, cytoplasmic and nuclear transport, intracellular signal transduction, cell proliferation and development, macromolecular biosynthesis and metabolism, etc.), involving the cell cycle, growth, differentiation, apoptosis and other processes. Figure 5B lists the functional annotations with enrichment at the top 50 positions. Pathway annotation of the miR-93-5p candidate target genes was performed by the KEGG database. The results showed that miR-93-5p-regulated target genes were significantly involved in the mTOR signaling pathway, FoxO signaling pathway, and TGF-beta signaling pathway. Figure 5C shows the KEGG pathway of miR-93-5p with the enrichment at the top 30 positions.
In order to further explore the effect of miR-93-5p on the proliferation of EC9706 cells through exosomes, the tumor-associated gene PTEN, which is associated with cell cycle and proliferation based on the literature and the common prediction of target gene prediction software DIANA, TargetMiner, miRTarBase, and RNA22, was selected for further study. There were three bioinformatics-predictived binding sites between miR-93-5p and PTEN 3'UTR (Figure 6A). The luciferase reporter assay was used to detect whether PTEN is a target gene of miR-93-5p. The results showed that the relative luciferase activity of the co-transfected pmiR-Report-WT-PTEN and miR-93-5p groups was significantly decreased compared with the co-transfected pmiR-Report-WT-PTEN and miR-NC groups. However, there was no significant difference in relative luciferase activity between the pmiR-Report-MUT-PTEN and miR-93-5p co-transfected group and the pmiR-Report-MUT-PTEN and miR-NC group, which suggested that miR-93-5p binds directly to the PTEN 3'UTR (Figure 6B). After incubation with donor EC9706 cells transfected with miR-93-5p/NC mimics for 24 h, the total RNA of recipient EC9706 cells was extracted to detect the expression level of PTEN mRNA. The results showed that PTEN expression in the miR-93-5p group was 0.94 times that of the miR-NC group, which was not statistically significant (P = 0.32), suggesting that miR-93-5p transferred by exosomes may not regulate PTEN at mRNA levels (Figure 6C). To further verify whether miR-93-5p transferred by exosomes affects the expression level of PTEN protein, the recipient EC9706 cells were collected and the total protein was extracted to detect the change in PTEN protein level after co-culture for 24 h. As shown in Figure 6D-E, the expression of PTEN protein in the miR-93-5p group was decreased compared with the miR-NC group, illustrating that miR-93-5p transferred by exosomes could inhibit the expression of PTEN protein in recipient EC9706 cells.
Figure 6. miR-93-5p transferred by exosomes inhibits the expression of PTEN protein in recipient cells by binding to the 3'UTR. Three binding sites and their scoring of miR-93-5p and PTEN 3'UTRs predicted by bioinformatics (A). The relative luciferase activity in EC9706 cells; WT: wild type, Vector: empty vector, MUT: mutation type. *P < 0.05 compared with that of the miR-NC + WT group (B). The effect of miR-93-5p transferred by exosomes on the expression of PTEN mRNA (C) and protein (D, E), *P < 0.05 compared with the exo-miR-NC group.
To explore the mechanism of miR-93-5p transferred by exosomes on the proliferation of recipient EC9706 cells, the PI3K/Akt inhibitor LY294002 (final concentration of 60 μmol/L) was added to donor EC9706 cells transfected with miR-93-5p/NC mimics. After 24 h of co-culture, the proliferation of recipient cells was measured. Compared with the miR-NC group, the proliferation rate of receptor cells in the miR-93-5p group increased by 13.41%, while the proliferation rate of miR-93-5p + LY294002 group was 10.14% higher than that of the miR-NC + LY294002 group. The proliferation capacity of miR-93-5p transferred by exosomes decreased by 24.4% after the addition of LY294002 (Figure 7). These results suggest that miR-93-5p transferred by exosomes may affect the proliferation of recipient EC9706 cells through the PI3K/Akt pathway partly.
After incubation with donor EC9706 cells transfected with miR-93-5p/NC mimics for 24 h, we examined the mRNA expression of proliferation-related genes p21 and Cyclin D1 in the receptor EC9706 cells. The results showed that the expression of p21 in the miR-93-5p group was decreased compared with the control group and was significantly restored after adding LY294002 in the two groups (Figure 8A). The expression of Cyclin D1 in the miR-93-5p group was elevated compared with the control group and was decreased in both groups after the addition of LY294002 (Figure 8B). The results suggested that miR-93-5p may affect the expression of p21 and Cyclin D1 mRNA through the PTEN/PI3K/Akt pathway.
After co-culture for 24 h, the expression of p21 and Cyclin D1 proteins in the recipient EC9706 cells was analyzed. As shown in Figure 9, the expression of p21 and Cyclin D1 protein in miR-93-5p receptor EC9706 cells decreased by 20.58% and 7.05%, respectively, and was restored to 26.71% and 10.33% after adding LY294002P21. The results suggested that miR-93-5p may affect the expression of proteins p21 and Cyclin D1 through the PTEN/PI3K/Akt pathway, thus promoting the proliferation of esophageal cancer cells.