A total of 1, 463 late preterm infants were enrolled in this study, with a median (IQR) GA of 35.6 (34.9, 36.1) weeks. The percentage of small for gestational age (SGA) was 11.6% for all late preterm infants. When stratified by GA, 17% of infants born at 36 weeks' GA were born SGA. Of the enrolled late preterm infants, 3.7% developed RDS. More infants born at 34 weeks' GA were diagnosed with RDS (6.5% of infants born at 34 weeks' GA versus 2.8% of infants born at 35 weeks' GA versus 2.7% of infants born at 36 weeks' GA, P = 0.004). The incidence of hypoglycemia was 13.1%, and 2.3% of late preterm infants were diagnosed with hyperglycemia (4.3% of infants born at 34 weeks' GA versus 2.1% of infants born at 35 weeks' GA versus 1.1% of infants born at 36 weeks' GA, P = 0.023). A total of 45.0% of infants were diagnosed with hyperbilirubinemia and 14.1% with anemia. Twenty-two percent of infants were diagnosed with neonatal infection and exposed to antibiotics, of which 1.8% had blood-culture-proven sepsis, and there was no significant difference between GA groups. There was an inverse correlation between the length of hospital stay and GA. Infants born at 34 weeks' GA stayed in hospital for 10 (8, 13) days, while the hospital stay length of infants born at 36 weeks' GA was shortened to 7 (6, 9) days. Other study characteristics of our late preterm infant cohort are shown in Table 1.
Characteristics All Infants 34 Weeks 35 Weeks 36 Weeks P Value N (%) 1, 463 (100%) 369 (25.2%) 566 (38.7%) 528 (36.1%) GA (weeks) 35.6 (34.9, 36.1) 34.4 (34.1, 34.7) 35.4 (35.1, 35.7) 36.3 (36.1, 36.6) < 0.001 Male infants, n (%) 789 (53.9%) 207 (56.1%) 303 (53.5%) 279 (52.8%) 0.061 C-section, n (%) 962 (65.8%) 262 (71.0%) 351 (62.0%) 349 (66.1%) 0.047 Asphyxia, n (%) 21 (1.4%) 10 (2.7%) 7 (1.2%) 4 (0.8%) 0.047 W at birth (g) 2, 440 (2, 200, 2, 710) 2, 250 (2, 020, 2, 440) 2, 485 (2, 259, 2, 740) 2, 545 (2, 300, 2, 800) < 0.001 L at birth (cm) 47.0 (45.0, 48.0) 46.0 (44.0, 47.0) 47.0 (45.0, 48.0) 47.0 (46.0, 49.0) < 0.001 HC at birth (cm) 32.0 (31.5, 33.0) 32.0 (30.5, 33.0) 32.5 (32.0, 33.0) 32.5 (32.0, 33.0) < 0.001 SGA, n (%) 170 (11.6%) 28 (7.6%) 52 (9.2%) 90 (17.0%) < 0.001 RDS, n (%) 54 (3.7%) 24 (6.5%) 16 (2.8%) 14 (2.7%) 0.004 Hypoglycemia, n (%) 192 (13.1%) 52 (14.1%) 67 (11.8%) 73 (13.8%) 0.519 Hyperglycemia, n (%) 34 (2.3%) 16 (4.3%) 12 (2.1%) 6 (1.1%) 0.023 Hyperbilirubinemia, n (%) 658 (45.0%) 175 (47.4%) 241 (42.6%) 242 (45.8%) 0.319 Anemia, n (%) 207 (14.1%) 67 (18.2%) 77 (13.6%) 63 (11.9%) 0.091 Infection, n (%) 321 (21.9%) 82 (22.2%) 123 (21.7%) 116 (22.0%) 0.987 Blood-culture-proven sepsis, n (%) 27 (1.8%) 8 (2.2%) 79 (1.2%) 12 (2.3%) 0.386 W at discharge (g) 2, 480 (2, 280, 2, 750) 2, 340 (2, 138, 2, 540) 2, 530 (2, 319, 2, 790) 2, 560 (2, 335, 2, 860) < 0.001 L at discharge (cm) 47.0 (46.0, 49.0) 46.5 (45.0, 48.0) 48.0 (46.0, 49.0) 48.0 (46.0, 49.0) < 0.001 HC at discharge (cm) 33.0 (32.0, 33.5) 32.0 (31.0, 33.0) 33.0 (32.0, 33.8) 33.0 (3.0, 34.0) < 0.001 Length of stay (d) 8 (7, 11) 10 (8, 13) 8 (7, 10) 7 (6, 9) < 0.001 Note. Data are shown as x±s or percentage (median and P25, P75); GA: gestational age; W: weight; L: length; HC: head circumference; SGA: small for gestational age; RDS: respiratory distress syndrome. Table 1. Demographic Data of Late Preterm Infants
The percentage of exclusive breastfeeding was 4.5% for the entire cohort at the initiation of enteral feeding and increased to 14.4% when the infants were discharged. Most late preterm infants, approximately 46.1%, were fed with preterm infant formula (80 kcal/100 mL or 81 kcal/100 mL) during hospitalization. Post-discharge formula (73 kcal/100 mL or 74 kcal/100 mL) was used for 17.0% of late preterm infants, and 8.7% infants accepted full-term formula (67 kcal/100 mL or 68 kcal/100 mL). Mixed feeding was given for 22.9% infants, who received any kind of formula and human milk. There were 12 cases of missing data concerning enteral feeding, which accounted for 0.8%. Infants born at 35 weeks' GA received more post-discharge formula, and more infants born at 36 weeks' GA received full-term formula. Only 4.3% of infants born at 34 weeks' GA were fed exclusively with human milk after birth, 33.1% of them received mixed feeding, and the exclusive human milk feeding rate increased to 21.1% at discharge, which is higher than that in infants born at 35 weeks' and 36 weeks' GA (Table 2).
Nature All Infants
(N = 1, 463)34 Weeks
(n = 369)35 Weeks
(n = 566)36 Weeks
(n = 528)P Value Exclusive human milk feeding, n (%) 66 (4.5%) 16 (4.3%) 25 (4.4%) 25 (4.7%) 0.628 Preterm infant formula feeding, n (%) 674 (46.1%) 178 (48.2%) 258 (45.6%) 238 (45.1%) 0.473 Post-discharge formula feeding, n (%) 248 (17.0%) 41 (11.1%) 126 (22.3%) 81 (15.3%) < 0.001 Full-term formula feeding, n (%) 128 (8.7%) 8 (2.2%) 48 (8.5%) 72 (13.6%) < 0.001 Mixed feeding, n (%) 335 (22.9%) 122 (33.1%) 107 (18.9%) 106 (20.1%) < 0.001 Exclusively human milk feeing at discharge, n (%) 209 (14.4%) 77 (21.1%) 68 (12.1%) 64 (12.3%) < 0.001 Table 2. The Nature of Enteral Feeding of Late Preterm Infants During Hospitalization
The volume and energy levels of enteral nutrition at different time points are shown in Table 3. Infants born at 36 weeks' GA received a greater volume of enteral feeding on days 1 through 6 and more calories in the form of enteral feeding on days 1 through 5, but this trend was reversed on days 6 and 7 (Figures 1, 2). With the present nutritional support, only 28.4% of late preterm infants achieved full enteral feeding at discharge, and only 19.2% of late preterm infants achieved 120 kcal/(kg·d) by enteral feeding at discharge. More infants born at 34 weeks' GA achieved full enteral nutrition (41.7% of infants born at 34 weeks' GA versus 24.2% of infants born at 35 weeks' GA versus 23.7% of infants born at 36 weeks' GA, P < 0.001) and full enteral caloric intake (29.3% of infants born at 34 weeks' GA versus 16.6% of infants born at 35 weeks' GA versus 15.0% of infants born at 36 weeks' GA, P < 0.001) at discharge and received a greater volume [118.3 mL/(kg·d)] in infants born at 34 weeks' GA versus 103.0 mL/(kg·d) in infants born at 35 weeks' GA versus 105.9 mL/(kg·d) of infants born at 36 weeks' gestation, P < 0.001) and higher energy by enteral feeding [117.7 kcal/(kg·d)] in infants born at 34 weeks' GA versus 102.4 kcal/(kg·d) in infants born at 35 weeks' GA versus 100.4 kcal/(kg·d) in infants born at 36 weeks' GA, P < 0.001) at discharge. At discharge, 40.5% of infants had not regained their birth weight. Infants born at 36 weeks' GA regained their birth weight sooner, but more of them did not regain their birth weight at discharge (47.9% of infants born at 36 weeks' GA versus 38.7% of infants born at 35 weeks' GA versus 32.5% of infants born at 34 weeks' GA, P < 0.001). The mean rate of body weight gain in late preterm infants was 9.6 (5.9, 13.9) g/(kg·d). There was a trend toward a higher rate of body weight gain in infants born at 34 weeks' GA but no significant difference between different GA groups (Table 4).
Feeding Practices All Infants
(N = 1, 463)34 Weeks
(n = 369)35 Weeks
(n = 566)36 Weeks
(n = 528)P Value Initial time of enteral feeding (d) 1.0 (1.0, 1.0) 1.0 (1.0, 1.0) 1.0 (1.0, 1.0) 1.0 (1.0, 1.0) 0.760 Volume of EN on D1 [mL/(kg·d)] 14.1 (6.5, 26.5) 12.9 (5.3, 21.6) 13.3 (7.0, 21.4) 16.3 (6.4, 32.1) < 0.001 Energy of EN on D1 [mL/(kg·d)] 10.7 (4.9, 19.9) 10.0 (4.1, 17.2) 9.9 (5.5, 16.2) 12.3 (4.9, 23.9) < 0.001 Volume of EN on D2 [mL/(kg·d)] 32.0 (17.1, 48.5) 29.7 (16.7, 43.2) 30.7 (16.0, 46.5) 35.7 (19.3, 53.3) < 0.001 Energy of EN on D2 [mL/(kg·d)] 24.4 (13.0, 36.0) 21.8 (12.3, 34.0) 23.2 (12.3, 35.2) 27.3 (14.9, 39.9) < 0.001 Volume of EN on D3 [mL/(kg·d)] 46.8 (29.3, 67.8) 43.4 (26.8, 63.4) 45.7 (27.9, 65.9) 51.2 (32.9, 75.8) < 0.001 Energy of EN on D3 [mL/(kg·d)] 35.8 (22.3, 51.3) 33.5 (20.9, 49.3) 35.1 (21.6, 49.0) 39.5 (24.4, 56.1) < 0.001 Volume of EN on D4 [mL/(kg·d)] 64.0 (42.1, 87.7) 60.0 (37.8, 84.4) 63.2 (42.7, 86.0) 67.9 (45.7, 91.4) < 0.001 Energy of EN on D4 [mL/(kg·d)] 48.3 (32.4, 66.9) 46.1 (29.3, 64.7) 48.3 (33.3, 64.9) 51.2 (34.3, 70.2) 0.002 Volume of EN on D5 [mL/(kg·d)] 82.1 (55.6, 105.4) 75.3 (52.1, 103.7) 79.5 (55.1, 100.5) 87.0 (59.0, 112.0) 0.002 Energy of EN on D5 [mL/(kg·d)] 61.1 (42.4, 80.0) 57.2 (39.9, 78.3) 59.8 (41.7, 76.4) 66.5 (43.9, 84.2) 0.011 Volume of EN on D6 [mL/(kg·d)] 95.6 (68.4, 123.4) 93.5 (67.9, 122.5) 91.3 (66.7, 119.4) 103.0 (71.4, 112.0) 0.037 Energy of EN on D6 [mL/(kg·d)] 72.0 (51.6, 92.9) 71.5 (51.9, 92.4) 69.6 (50.5, 89.8) 77.2 (52.4, 97.9) 0.083 Volume of EN on D7 [mL/(kg·d)] 108.0 (78.1, 133.3) 108.8 (77.5, 134.0) 103.8 (79.8, 131.1) 110.7 (78.0, 136.4) 0.532 Energy of EN on D7 [mL/(kg·d)] 81.5 (60.0, 101.9) 80.9 (61.3, 103.4) 80.8 (60.2, 100.2) 83.0 (58.7, 102.8) 0.804 Volume of EN at discharge [mL/(kg·d)] 108.7 (81.1, 133.0) 118.3 (94.0, 139.9) 103.0 (76.7, 130.2) 105.9 (77.7, 131.2) < 0.001 Energy of EN at discharge [mL/(kg·d)] 105.0 (84.3, 133.2) 117.7 (97.8, 151.7) 102.4 (82.5, 129.4) 100.4 (79.1, 126.6) < 0.001 Achieving 150 (mL/kg·d) at discharge n (%) 416 (28.4%) 154 (41.7%) 137 (24.2%) 125 (23.7%) < 0.001 The time achieving 150 [mL/(kg·d)] (d) 8 (7, 10) 9 (7, 11) 8 (6, 10) 7 (6, 10) 0.198 Achieving 120 (kcal/kg·d) at discharge n (%) 281 (19.2%) 108 (29.3%) 94 (16.6%) 79 (15.0%) < 0.001 The time achieving 120 [mL/(kg·d)] (d) 8 (7, 11) 9 (7, 12) 8 (7, 10) 7 (6, 9) < 0.001 Note. EN: Enteral nutrition. Table 3. Data on Enteral Feeding Practices of Late Preterm Infants During Hospitalization
Items All Infants
(N = 1, 463)34 Weeks
(n = 369)35 Weeks
(n = 566)36 Weeks
(n = 528)P Value W at birth (g) 2, 440 (2, 200, 2, 710) 2, 250 (2, 020, 2, 440) 2, 485 (2, 259, 2, 740) 2, 545 (2, 300, 2, 800) < 0.001 Time with lowest W (d) 3 (3, 4) 3 (3, 4) 3 (3, 4) 2 (3, 4) 0.442 Time regained the BW (d) 6 (4, 7) 6 (5, 8) 6 (4, 7) 5 (4, 6) < 0.001 Infants who did not regain their BW at discharge, n (%) 592 (40.5%) 120 (32.5%) 219 (38.7%) 253 (47.9%) < 0.001 Length of stay of infants who did not regain their BW (d) 7 (6, 9) 8 (7, 10) 7 (5, 9) 6 (5, 8) < 0.001 W at discharge in g (IQR) 2, 480 (2, 280, 2, 750) 2, 340 (2, 138, 2, 540) 2, 530 (2, 319, 2, 790) 2, 560 (2, 335, 2, 860) < 0.001 Growth velocity [mL/(kg·d)] 9.6 (5.9, 13.9) 10.7 (7.1, 14.4) 9.1 (5.5, 13.6) 9.3 (5.5, 14.1) 0.818 Note. W: Weight; BW: Birth weight. Table 4. Data on Body Weight Change