Research Strategy
The research strategies were as follows: 1) Full length sequences of the P1, P2, or P3 genome were inserted into the pEGFP-N1 vector. After transfection of the constructed plasmids, bands of multiple proteins were detected with anti-GFP western blotting. The results indicated the presence of possible IRESs initiating genomic translation. 2) The correct ORF sequences from antithymocyte globulin (ATG) to the end of the P1, P2, and P3 genomes were inserted into the above vector. Potential IRES-mediated protein translation was detected in adjacent lanes through anti-GFP western blotting[5]. 3) The potential IRES sequences before IRES-mediated protein sequences were identified through a specific bicistronic luciferase expression vector with a hairpin structure.
Screening of IRES Initiated Translation in the Coding Region of CVB3
To understand whether IRES-dependent protein translation occurred in the P1, P2, or P3 coding region, we fused full length P1, P2, or P3 with the N-terminus of the GFP reporter gene. As described previously[5], if an IRES was present within the P1, P2, or P3 coding regions, IRES-mediated fusion protein bands would be detected by anti-GFP western blotting besides the full length cap-dependent translated protein. After the above P1, P2, or P3 plasmids were transfected into cells, more than nine protein bands appeared approximately 30–72 kD from the P1 plasmid, six protein bands appeared approximately 30–65 kD from the P2 plasmid, and nine protein bands appeared approximately 30–120 kD from the P3 plasmid (Figure 1B). Approximately 110 kD of cap-dependent P1 fusion protein, 80 kD of cap-dependent P2 fusion protein and 130 kD of cap-dependent P3 fusion protein appeared at the maximum molecular weight position (Figure 1). These results suggested that the P1, P2, and P3 genome sallow for cap-independent translation initiation.
To further search for potential IRES positions in the genome of CVB3, we introduced the sequences from each start codon (ATG) to the 3’-terminus of P1, P2, or P3 into the plasmid pEGFP-N1 to form 12 plasmids containing the P1 coding region: pP1 (735–3304), pP1 (1235–3304), pP1 (1343–3304), pP1 (1478–3304), pP1 (1559–3304), pP1 (1697–3304), pP1 (1751–3304), pP1 (1811–3304), pP1 (2093–3304), pP1 (2183–3304), pP1 (2984–3304), pP1 (3089–3304); 8 plasmids containing the P2 coding region: pP2 (3284–5029), pP2 (3284–5029), pP2 (3671–5029), pP2 (3737–5029), pP2 (4028–5029), pP2 (4073–5029), pP2 (4364–5029), pP2 (4619–5029), pP2 (4955–5029); and 12 plasmids containing the P3 coding region: pP3 (4754–7297), pP3 (4955–7297), pP3 (5390–7297), pP3 (5507–7297), pP3 (4765–7297), pP3 (6134–7297), pP3 (6344–7297), pP3 (6470–7297), pP3 (6581–7297), pP3 (6770–7297), pP3 (6881–7297), and pP3 (7088–7297) (Figure 2A1, A2, and A3).
After transfection, the lanes from plasmids containing the truncated P1, P2, or P3 genes were successively arranged in a ladder according to the proteins’ molecular weights in western blotting (Figure 2B1, B2, and B3). Six potential IRESs in the P1 coding region, six potential IRESs in the P2 coding region and nine potential IRESs in the P3 coding region initiated protein translation (Figure 2B1, B2, and B3, arrow). The results also suggested no cryptic promoter or alternative splicing effect on the expression of multiple protein bands in the P1, P2, or P3 regions.
Identification of IRESs in the P1 Region
To identify the IRES sequences in the P1 coding region, we inserted a hairpin structure between the Rluc and Fluc genes of the bicistronic plasmid psiCHECKTM-2 to prevent ribosomal read through of Rluc (Figure 3A). According to the principle that IRESs may be located between adjacent protein bands[5], we cloned six IRES candidates (498 bp) into the bicistronic constructs to form plasmids pP1 (735–1234), pP1 (1197–1346), pP1 (1311–1810), pP1 (2376–2876), pP1 (2484–2983), and pP1 (2589–3088) (Figure 3B1). After transfection for 12 h, the Fluc/Rluc activity ratio of pP1 (1197–1346), pP1 (1311–1810), and pP1 (2484–2983) was 385.3, 491.6 and 13.8 times that of the negative control (Figure 3B2). The results indicated the presence of IRES elements in the P1 genome region. The results also demonstrated that IRESs of P1 mediated protein translation that was not due to ribosomal read through. According to these findings and the results of western blotting, the IRESs of P1 may be located at 1197–1696 nt and 1311–1810 nt in the VP2 and VP3 regions, and 2484–2983 nt in the VP1 region of P1 (Figure 3B2). Interestingly, the efficiency of both IRES 1197–1696 nt and IRES 1311–1810 nt was 6.1 and 7.8 times that of the EMCV IRES (positive control). These results revealed three cap-independent translation elements in the CVB3 coding region.
To precisely define each IRES region in the P1 coding region, we truncated IRES sequences including 1197–1696 nt, 1311–1810 nt, and 2484–2983 nt to 150 bp with a 50 bp overlap between adjacent sequences. Because of the greater overlap between 1197–1696 nt and 1311–1810 nt, the full length sequences of the above two sequences at 1197–1810 nt were analyzed instead (Figure 3C1 and D1). The 150 bp truncated sequences at 1197–1810 nt and 2484–2983 nt were cloned into bicistronic constructs to form plasmids pP1 (1197–1346), pP1 (1297–1446), pP1 (1297–1446), pP1 (1397–1546), pP1 (1497–1546), pP1 (1597–1646), pP1 (1697–1810), pP1 (2484–2683), pP1 (2654–2833), and pP1 (2784–2983) (Figure 3C2 and D2). After transfection, the Fluc/Rluc activity ratio of pP1 (1197–1346), pP1 (1297–1446), pP1 (1397–1546), pP1 (1497–1546), pP1 (1597–1646), pP1 (1697–1810), pP1 (2484–2683), pP1 (2654–2833), and pP1 (2784–2983) was 0.1, 1.5, 3.2, 2.9, 0.3, 0.8, 1.1, 2.1, and 27.5 times that of the negative control (Figure 3C3 and D3). Moreover, the Fluc activity mediated by pP1 (2784–2983) (VP1) was 1.2 times that of the EMCV IRES (positive control), although the Fluc activity mediated by the shortened IRES sequences in VP2 and VP3 was lower than that of the positive control (Figure 3C3 and D3).
From the results above, we speculated that the overlapping sequences at 1311–1696 nt, 1197–1696 nt, and 1311–1810 nt were crucial as IRESs. Subsequently, we shortened 1311–1696 nt from the 3’ and 5’ termini by 50 bp. The shortened IRES candidates were cloned into bicistronic constructs to form plasmids pP1 (1311–1696), pP1 (1311–1646), pP1 (1311–1596, pP1 (1311–1546), pP1 (1311–1496), pP1 (1361–1696), pP1 (1411–1696), pP1 (1461–1696), and pP1 (1511–1696) (Figure 3E2). After transfection, the Fluc/Rluc activity ratio of pP1 (1311–1696), pP1 (1311–1646), pP1 (1361–1696), pP1 (1411–1696), and pP1 (1461–1696) was 625.7, 195.6, 1075.8, 573.2, and 298.3 times that of the negative control. The Fluc/Rluc activity ratio of pP1 (1311–1696), pP1 (1311–1646), pP1 (1361–1696), pP1 (1411–1696), and pP1 (1461–1696) was 32.9, 10.3, 56.6, 30.2, and 15.7 times that of the positive control (Figure 3E3). Thus, IRESs in the VP2 region were located at 1311–1696 nt, 1311–1646 nt, 1361–1696 nt, 1411–1696 nt, and 1461–1696 nt in P1. Because the sequence at 1461–1646 nt was the common sequence of the IRESs in VP2, this sequence was determined to be a crucial IRES in VP2.
Identification of IRESs in the P2 Region
Similarly, to identify IRESs in the P2 coding region, we constructed six plasmids, pP2 (3171–3670), pP2 (3528–4027), pP2 (3864–4363), pP2 (4065–4564), pP2 (4119–4618), and pP2 (4455–4954), as described above (Figure 4A). After transfection, the Fluc/Rluc activity ratio of pP2 (4065–4564) and pP2 (4119–4618) was eight and five times that of the negative control (Figure 4B), respectively. Thus, the two IRESs regions were located at 4065–4564 nt and 4119–4618 nt in the 2C region of P2 (Figure 4C). As with the IRES detection in VP2 of P1, an overlap existed among sequences at 4119–4564 nt, 4065–4564 nt, and 4119–4618 nt. The sequence at 4119–4564 nt might be the crucial IRES in the P2 region.
Identification of IRES Sequences in the P3 Region
To identify the IRESs in P3, we constructed nine plasmids, pP3 (4890–5389), pP3 (5634–6133), pP3 (5844–6343), pP3 (5970–6469), pP3 (6270–6769), pP3 (6305–6880), pP3 (6583–7087), and pP3 (6786–7285) (Figure 5A1), as described above. After transfection, the activity of pP3 (4890–5389), pP3 (5634–6133), pP3 (5970–6469), pP3 (6270–6769), and pP3 (6583–7087) was 12, 8, 8.6, 12, and 18 times that of the negative control (Figure 5A2). Thus, the potential IRESs in P3 were located at 4890–5389 nt in the 3A region, and 5634–6133 nt, 5970–6469 nt, 6270–6769 nt, and 6583–7087 nt in the 3CD region (Figure 5A3).
To further define the IRESs in P3, we truncated the sequences of 4890–5389 nt, 5634–6133 nt, 5970–6469 nt, 6270–6769 nt, and 6583–7087 nt to 150 bp with 50 bp overlap between adjacent sequences (Figure 5B1). The plasmids pP3 (4890–5090), pP3 (5040–5240), pP3 (5190–5389), pP3 (5634–5834), pP3 (5784–5984), pP3 (5934–6133), pP3 (5970–6170), pP3 (6120–6320), pP3 (6270–6470), pP3 (6420–6620), pP3 (6570–6770), pP3 (6720–6920), and pP3 (6870–7087) were constructed as described above (Figure 5B2). After transfection, the Fluc/Rluc activity ratio of pP3 (5634–5834) and pP3 (6870–7087) was 6.5 and 9.8 times that of the negative control, respectively. The Fluc/Rluc activity ratio of pP3 (4890–5090), pP3 (5040–5240), pP3 (5190–5389), pP3 (5784–5984), pP3 (5934–6133), pP3 (5970–6170), pP3 (6120–6320), pP3 (6270–6470), pP3 (6420–6620), pP3 (6570–6770), and pP3 (6720–6920) was less than three times that of the negative control (Figure 5B3). Thus, we concluded that three IRESs in P3 might be located at 4890–5389 nt in the 2C–3A region, 5634–5834 nt in the 3C region, and 6870–7087 nt in the 3D region.
Exclusion of Cryptic Promoters or Alternative Splicing
Cryptic promoters or alternative splicing produce abnormal mRNA isoforms. To exclude the possibility of IRESs with cryptic promoters or alternative splicing, we transfected pP1 (1311–1696), pP2 (1311–1646), pP3 (1361–1696), pP3 (1411–1696), pP3 (2784–2983), pP3 (4065–4564), pP3 (4119–4618), pP3 (4890–5389), pP3 (5634–5834), pP3 (6870–7087) and control plasmids into BHK-21 cells. After transfection for 24 h, the mRNA expression of Rluc and Fluc was detected by RT-qPCR. No significant differences were observed in the mRNA expression of Rluc and Fluc from pP1 (1311–1696), pP3 (2784–2983), pP3 (4119–4618), pP (4890–5389), pP3 (5634–5834), pP3 (6870–7087) and control plasmids, except pP3 (4890–5389) (Figure 6). Thus, the five IRESs were located at 1311–1696nt, 2784–2983 nt, 4119–4618 nt, 5634–5834 nt, and 6870–7087 nt.