This standard specifies the standard, and evaluation implementation and evaluation criteria for healthy Chinese older adults.
This standard is applicable to the evaluation of the health status for Chinese older adults aged 60 years and above by the personnel from medical and health institutions, nursing home, etc.
The following documents constitute the essential provisions of this standard through the normative references in the text. For the references dated, only their dated versions are applies to this standard; for the references undated, their latest versions, including all amendments, are applicable to this standard.
WS/T 484 Technical specification for health management of the older adults
MZ/T 039 Capacity evaluation of the older adults
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
It refers to the older adults aged 60 years and above who are self-care or basically self-care, and the physical, mental and social aspects tend to be coordinated and harmonious. The age-related changes of their important organs do not lead to obvious functional abnormalities and the risk factors affecting health are controlled within the range appropriate to their age. Their nutritional status is well and their cognitive function is basically normal. They are optimistic, positive, and self-satisfied. They have certain health literacy and maintain a good lifestyle. They actively participate in family and social activities and have good social adaptability.
Healthy Chinese older adults should meet the following requirements.
a) Self-care or basically self-care;
b) Age-related changes in important organs not resulting in significant functional abnormalities;
c) Risk factors affecting health are controlled in a range appropriate to their age;
d) Good nutritional status;
e) Cognitive function is generally normal;
f) Optimistic, positive, and self-satisfied;
g) Have certain health literacy and maintain a good lifestyle;
h) Actively participate in family and social activities;
i) Good social adaptability.
Medical health, nursing, elderly care and other professionals in medical and health institutions and nursing home have trained in standard, evaluation implementation and evaluation standards for healthy Chinese older adults.
The current residence of the evaluation objects or their nursing home, medical and health institution, etc.
Three dimensions of health are included as following (the total score is 100 points):
Physical health (0–50 points)
Mental health (0–30 points)
Social health (0–20 points)
The specific evaluation indicators are shown in "II. Evaluation Items" of Table A.1 "Healthy Chinese Older Adults Assessment Form" in Appendix A.
The evaluators will fill in "I. Basic Information" of Table A.1 "Healthy Chinese Older Adults Assessment Form" in Appendix A by asking the evaluation objects or their caregivers. The evaluation was carried out item by item in accordance with "II. Evaluation Items" of Table A.1 "Healthy Chinese Older Adults Assessment Form" in Appendix A. And the evaluators fill in the scores of each three-level indicator, and calculate the scores for each dimension of physical health, mental health and social health.
The evaluation standard for health status in each dimension of physical health, mental health and social health are shown in Table 1. According to this standard evaluated, the health status of each dimension is filled in "III. Evaluation Results of Each Dimension" of Table A.1 "Healthy Chinese Older Adults Assessment Form" in Appendix A.
Health status Physical health Mental health Social health Healthy 40–50 points, and a non-zero score on any of the three-level indicators 24–30 points, and a non-zero score on any of the secondary indicators 16–20 points Basically healthy 30–39 points, and a non-zero score on any of the three-level indicators 18–23 points, and a non-zero score on any of the secondary indicators 12–15 points Unhealthy 29 points and below, or a zero score on any of the three-level indicators 17 points and below, or a zeroscore on any of the three indicators 11 points and below Table 1. Evaluation standard for the health status of Chinese older adults in various dimensions
The total evaluation score of the health status for Chinese older adults is the sum of scores of physical health, mental health, and social health, and the specific evaluation standards are shown in Table 2. The evaluators can make a determination for the overall health status of the elderly according to Table 2 and fill in the "IV. Health Evaluation Results" of Table A.1 "Healthy Chinese Older Adults Assessment Form" in Appendix A.
Health status Evaluation standard Healthy 80–100 points, and all the three dimensions of health assessment are healthy Basically healthy Not meeting the "healthy" and "unhealthy" evaluation standard Unhealthy 59 points and below, or the dimension of physical health is unhealthy, or the dimension of
mental health is unhealthy, or total score for the social health dimension was zeroTable 2. Evaluation standard for the health status of Chinese older adults
The Standard for Healthy Chinese Older Adults
doi: 10.3967/bes2023.098
Citation: | The Standard for Healthy Chinese Older Adults[J]. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2023, 36(7): 666-667. doi: 10.3967/bes2023.098 |