This standard specifies the evaluation indicators and methods for the growth level and nutritional status of children under 7 years of age.
This standard is applicable to the group and individual evaluation of the growth level and nutritional status of children under 7 years of age.
The following documents constitute the essential provisions of this standard through the normative references in the text. For the references dated, only their dated versions are applies to this standard; for the references undated, their latest versions, including all amendments, are applicable to this standard.
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
Children between birth and under 7 years of age (< 84 months of age).
Total weight of the human body.
Length from the top of the head to the heel in the horizontal position.
Vertical height from the top of the head to the bottom of the foot in the standing position.
The circumference at the upper edge of the right eyebrow arch passing through the highest point of the occipital ridge.
An index for calculating weight for height, under the following Formula (1):
$$ {\rm{BMI}} =\dfrac{ {\rm{Weight}} \; ({\rm{kg}})} {[{\rm{Height}}\; ({\rm{m}})]^2} $$ (1) -
The growth level of children under 7 years old was evaluated according to Table 1 in Appendix A.
Table 1. Percentile evaluation method for growth level of children
Percentile method Evaluation indicator Weight for age Length/height for age Weight for length/height BMI for age Head circumferenceforage ≥ P97 Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper P75 ≤ • < P97 Above average Above average Above average Above average Above average P25 ≤ • < P75 Average Average Average Average Average P3 ≤ • < P25 Below average Below average Below average Below average Below average < P3 Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower -
The growth level of children under 7 years old was evaluated according to Table 2 in Appendix B.
Table 2. Standard deviation evaluation method for growth level of children
Standard deviation method Evaluation indicator Weight for age Length/height for age Weight for length/height BMI for age Head circumference for age ≥ +2 SD Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper +1 SD ≤ • < +2 SD Above average Above average Above average Above average Above average −1 SD ≤ • < +1 SD Average Average Average Average Average −2 SD ≤ • < −1 SD Below average Below average Below average Below average Below average < −2 SD Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower -
The nutritional status of children under 7 years old was evaluated according to Table 3 in Appendix B.
Table 3. Standard deviation evaluation method for nutritional status of children
Standard deviation method Evaluation indicator Weight for age Length/height for age Weight for length/height BMI for age ≥ +3 SD − − Severe obesity Severe obesity +2 SD ≤ • < +3 SD − − Obesity Obesity +1 SD ≤ • < +2 SD − − Overweight Overweight −1 SD ≤ • < +1 SD − − − − −2 SD ≤ • < −1 SD − − − − −3 SD ≤ • < −2 SD Low weight Severe growth retardation Slim Slim < −3 SD Severe low weight Severe growth retardation Severe wasting Severe wasting -
Weight, length, height, and head circumference are measured in accordance with WS/T 424.
doi: 10.3967/bes2023.096
Growth Standard for Children Under 7 Years of Age
Table 1. Percentile evaluation method for growth level of children
Percentile method Evaluation indicator Weight for age Length/height for age Weight for length/height BMI for age Head circumferenceforage ≥ P97 Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper P75 ≤ • < P97 Above average Above average Above average Above average Above average P25 ≤ • < P75 Average Average Average Average Average P3 ≤ • < P25 Below average Below average Below average Below average Below average < P3 Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Table 2. Standard deviation evaluation method for growth level of children
Standard deviation method Evaluation indicator Weight for age Length/height for age Weight for length/height BMI for age Head circumference for age ≥ +2 SD Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper +1 SD ≤ • < +2 SD Above average Above average Above average Above average Above average −1 SD ≤ • < +1 SD Average Average Average Average Average −2 SD ≤ • < −1 SD Below average Below average Below average Below average Below average < −2 SD Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Table 3. Standard deviation evaluation method for nutritional status of children
Standard deviation method Evaluation indicator Weight for age Length/height for age Weight for length/height BMI for age ≥ +3 SD − − Severe obesity Severe obesity +2 SD ≤ • < +3 SD − − Obesity Obesity +1 SD ≤ • < +2 SD − − Overweight Overweight −1 SD ≤ • < +1 SD − − − − −2 SD ≤ • < −1 SD − − − − −3 SD ≤ • < −2 SD Low weight Severe growth retardation Slim Slim < −3 SD Severe low weight Severe growth retardation Severe wasting Severe wasting