We obtained EVD reports and relevant data from WHO reports, including the country name, outbreak time, number of cases, number of deaths, and fatality rates of 12 African countries (Supplementary Table S1, available in www.besjournal.com)[3-5]. The annual number of African students in China was obtained from the 2018 Concise Statistics of International Students in China dataset, which represented personnel flows into China from countries with EVD outbreaks, and was used to assess the possibility importation risk[22]. Specifically, the number of international students from countries with EVD outbreaks in China was 6,845 (Nigeria), 2,883 (Sudan), 2,246 (the Democratic Republic of the Congo), 2,173 (Congo), 1,570 (Uganda), 983 (Sierra Leone), 946 (C
$ \widehat{\rm{o}} $ te d'Ivoire), 861 (Guinea), 802 (Liberia), 797 (Senegal), 788 (Mali), and 518 (Gabon) in 2018[22].Year Country Cases Deaths Case fatality (%) 2021 Guinea 23* 12* 52 2021 the Democratic Republic of the Congo 8 6 75 2020 the Democratic Republic of the Congo 130 55 42 2018–2020 the Democratic Republic of the Congo 3,481 2,299 66 2018 the Democratic Republic of the Congo 54 33 61 2017 the Democratic Republic of the Congo 8 4 50 2015 Italy# 1 0 0 2014 Spain# 1 0 0 2014 UK# 1 0 0 2014 USA# 4 1 25 2014 Senegal 1 0 0 2014 Mali 8 6 75 2014 Nigeria 20 8 40 2014–2016 Sierra Leone 14,124* 3,956* 28 2014–2016 Liberia 10,675* 4,809* 45 2014–2016 Guinea 3,811* 2,543* 67 2014 the Democratic Republic of the Congo 66 49 74 2012 the Democratic Republic of the Congo 57 29 51 2012 Uganda 7 4 57 2012 Uganda 24 17 71 2011 Uganda 1 1 100 2008 Democratic Republic of the Congo 32 14 44 2007 Uganda 149 37 25 2007 the Democratic Republic of the Congo 264 187 71 2005 Congo 12 10 83 2004 Sudan 17 7 41 2003 (Nov–Dec) Congo 35 29 83 2003 (Jan–Apr) Congo 143 128 90 2001–2002 Congo 59 44 75 2001–2002 Gabon 65 53 82 2000 Uganda 425 224 53 1996 South Africa (ex-Gabon) 1 1 100 1996 (Jul–Dec) Gabon 60 45 75 1996 (Jan–Apr) Gabon 31 21 68 1995 the Democratic Republic of the Congo 315 254 81 1994 Côte d'Ivoire 1 0 0 1994 Gabon 52 31 60 1979 Sudan 34 22 65 1977 the Democratic Republic of the Congo 1 1 100 1976 Sudan 284 151 53 1976 the Democratic Republic of the Congo 318 280 88 Note: *WHO: World Health Organization; UK: the United Kingdom; USA: the United States of America; EVD: Ebola virus disease; Include Suspect, Probable and Confirmed EVD cases; #Imported Cases of EVD. Table S1. The number of cases, deaths and fatality rate of EVD reported by WHO from 1976 to 2021
We used descriptive epidemiologic methods to describe the epidemic status of EVD. First, the cumulative cases and cumulative fatality rates were calculated to describe the EVD epidemic by country. Cumulative cases was equal to the total number of cases in countries with EVD countries from 1976–2021. Cumulative fatality rates =
$\dfrac{\rm{Cumulative}\;{\rm{deaths}}\;{\rm{from}}\;1976\;{\rm{to}}\;2021}{\rm{Cumulative}\;{\rm{cases}}\;{\rm{from}}\;1976\;{\rm{to}}\;2021}$ × 100%. Then, the time lag in years between the latest outbreak of EVD and 2021 was calculated by country and was equal to 2021, less the outbreak year. -
We applied the risk matrix method to assess the importation risk of EVD into China based on two dimensions of importation possibility and severity[23-25], with the risk assessment indicators and scores shown in Table 1. First, the importation possibility score was equal to the score of the time from the last outbreak to 2021 plus the international student number score entering China. We derived the final importation possibility risk score in 5 levels: rare (0–2 points); unlikely (3–4 points); possible (5–6 points); very possible (7–8 points); and inevitable (9–10 points). Second, the importation severity score was equal to the cumulative case score plus the cumulative fatality rate score. We also classified the final importation severity risk score into five levels: negligible (0–2 points); minor (3–4 points); moderate (5–6 points); severe (7–8 points); and catastrophic (9–10 points). Third, according to the importation possibility and severity levels in the risk matrix assessment index table (Table 2), the importation risk of EVD into China was divided into four levels (low, moderate, high, and extremely high), which corresponded to green, yellow, orange, and red zones, respectively.
Assessment indicators Factors Classification Risk scores Importation possibility The time lag between the latest outbreak
of Ebola virus disease and 2021 by
country (years)< 3 5 3–5 4 5–10 3 10–20 2 ≥ 20 1 The number of international students
entering China in 2018 (number)< 1,000 1 1,000–5,000 2 5,000–10,000 3 10,000–15,000 4 ≥ 15,000 5 Importation severity Cumulative cases (cases) < 1,000 1 1,000–5,000 2 5,000–10,000 3 10,000–15,000 4 ≥ 15,000 5 Cumulative fatality rate (%) < 10 1 10–40 2 40–70 3 70–90 4 ≥ 90 5 Table 1. Risk assessment indicators of importation possibility and severity and the corresponding scores
Importation possibility Importation severity Negligible Minor Moderate Severe Catastrophic Inevitable H H E E E Very possible M H H E E Possible L M H E E Unlikely L L M H E Rare L L M H H Note. L, low importation risk; M, moderate importation risk; H, high importation risk; E, extremely high importation risk. Table 2. Risk matrix assessment index table
We used the Borda count method to rank the EVD importation risks. First, the Borda points of importation risks equaled the sum of the ranks of importation possibility and severity risk levels. Then, we sorted Borda points of importation risks from the largest to the smallest and set the corresponding count as 0, 1..., N-1. The smaller the Borda count, the more likely EVD would be imported into China, and the more severe the consequences. Borda points were calculated with the following formula[25, 26]:
$$ {b}_{i}=\sum _{k=1}^{m}(N-{r}_{ik}) $$ where N equals the number of countries was 12; m equals the EVD risk assessment index, with the value set as 2; rik equals the risk for indicator i under criterion k; and
$ {b}_{i} $ equals the Borda points of the assessment indicator i. -
Between 1976 and 2021, EVD outbreaks were concentrated in central and western Africa. The highest number of cumulative cases of EVD was reported in Sierra Leone (14,124), followed by Liberia (10,675), Guinea (3,834), and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (4,734), while the lowest number was in Senegal (1) and C
$ \widehat{\rm{o}} $ te d'Ivoire (1). The Congo had the highest cumulative fatality rate (85%; Table 3, Figure 1). In the last 3 years, EVD occurred in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2021) and Guinea (2021) (Table 3, Figure 1).Country name* Cumulative cases Cumulative
fatality rate (%)Time from last outbreak
to 2021 (years)the Democratic Republic of the Congo 4,734 68 0 Guinea 3,834 67 0 Liberia 10,675 45 5 Sierra Leone 14,124 28 5 Nigeria 20 40 7 Mali 8 75 7 Senegal 1 0 7 Uganda 606 47 9 Congo 249 85 16 Sudan 336 54 17 Gabon 208 72 19 Côte d'Ivoire 1 0 27 Note. *As in Table 3, country names were ranked in ascending order of the time from the last outbreak to 2021 (years). Table 3. The global epidemic status of Ebola virus disease from 1976–2021
China is under the risk of EVD importation. For importation possibility, the highest risk was from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with a score of 7, while the lowest risk was from C
$ \widehat{\rm{o}} $ te d'Ivoire, with a score of 2. For importation severity, the highest risk was from Liberia, with a score of 7, while the lowest risk was from Senegal and C$ \widehat{\rm{o}} $ te d'Ivoire, with a score of 2 each.An extremely high importation risk of EVD was from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Two high importation risk countries were Guinea and Liberia, and six moderate importation risk countries were Nigeria, Uganda, Congo, Sierra Leone, Mali, and Gabon. Three low importation risk countries were Sudan, Senegal, and C
$ \widehat{\rm{o}} $ te d'Ivoire.The Democratic Republic of the Congo had the highest Borda points (23) and the count was 0, ranking first, while C
$ \widehat{\rm{o}} $ te d'Ivoire had the lowest Borda points (3) and the count was 11, ranking 12th (Table 4, Figure 2).Country name* The importation
possibility scoreThe importation
severity scoreRisk levels Borda
pointsBorda count Risk sequence
of importationthe Democratic Republic of the Congo 7 5 E 23 0 1 Guinea 6 5 H 22 1 2 Liberia 4 7 H 20 2 3 Congo 4 5 M 19 3 4 Sierra Leone 4 6 M 19 3 4 Mali 4 5 M 19 3 4 Gabon 3 5 M 19 3 4 Nigeria 6 4 M 16 7 8 Uganda 5 4 M 16 7 8 Sudan 4 4 L 13 9 10 Senegal 4 2 L 10 10 11 Côte d'Ivoire 2 2 L 3 11 12 Note. *Country names were ranked in descending order of risk level. L, low importation risk; M, moderate importation risk; H, high importation risk; E, extremely high importation risk. Table 4. Importation risks from countries with Ebola virus disease outbreaks to China from 1976–2021
Data Sources
Epidemiologic Description
Risk Matrix Assessment
Borda Count Method
Global Epidemic of EVD
Importation Risk of EVD
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