The study subjects were HIV-positive pregnant women in six Liangshan prefecture counties in 2017. The subjects were diagnosed as HIV-positive between January 1 and December 31, 2017, as registered in the National Information System of Prevention of Mother-to-child Transmission of HIV, Syphilis, and HBV Management. These data were downloaded on March 25, 2019.
In accordance with the PMTCT of HIV interventions in the Implementation Plan for the Prevention of Mother-to-child Transmission of AIDS, Syphilis, and HBV (2015), this study has divided the PMTCT-intervention-service phase into four stages: ‘first antenatal care’, ‘pregnancy’, ‘delivery’, and ‘post-partum’. These stages have been further divided by month into 25 phases.
When pregnant women receive standardized PMTCT intervention services, the entire PMTCT intervention begins when they are 12 weeks pregnant and ends 18 months after delivery. The intervention duration for each pair of pregnant women and their babies lasted approximately 25 months; P1–P25 were used to represent the 1–25 phases, from the beginning to the end of the PMTCT intervention, respectively.
The equivalent coefficient of the entire standard intervention phase was set to ‘100%’, while the equivalent coefficient of each phase was calculated in proportion to the workload to represent the weight of the intervention phase of the entire PMTCT intervention. Seven experts on PMTCT of HIV, including four from Liangshan prefecture and three from Yunnan province, were invited to score the equivalent coefficient for each phase. The average score was taken as the equivalent coefficient of each phase.
The method used to calculate the number of pregnant women receiving standardized PMTCT services annually was as follows:
First, divide the standardized PMTCT intervention service phase into Pi=25 phases (with i representing the intervention phase);
Second, calculate the number of person-months of intervention were provided to pregnant women who received monthly PMTCT services during each phase, then aggregate the number into a yearly figure,
$ {N}_{i} $ ;Third, calculate the equivalent coefficients (
$ {W}_{i} $ ) of the phases using the Delphi method.The formula for calculating the number of pregnant women who received standardized PMTCT services (N) was the sum-product of
$ {N}_{i} $ and$ {W}_{i} $ :$$ N = \displaystyle\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{25} {{N_i}\times{W_i}} $$ -
In 2017, overall, 663 HIV-positive pregnant women in six counties of Liangshan Prefecture were registered with the National Information System of Prevention of Mother-to-child Transmission of HIV, Syphilis, and HBV Management. In this system, the number of HIV-positive pregnant women who first received PMTCT services during early antenatal care, during pregnancy, on delivery, and post-partum accounted for 1.06%, 38.16%, 53.70%, and 3.77% of the total, respectively. In addition, 3.32% of pregnant women volunteered to terminate their pregnancies. Subsequently, we calculated the number of person-months during which HIV-positive pregnant women received PMTCT interventions for each phase. Interventions were conducted for 7,780 person-months, of which 260 (3.34%) were for the first antenatal care, 1,510 (19.41%) during pregnancy, 378 (4.86%) on delivery, and 5,632 (72.39%) on post-partum period (Table 1).
Table 1. The number of pregnant women receiving PMTCT services monthly for each phase
PMTCT stage Period Number of person-months
of interventionPMTCT stage Period Number of person-months
of interventionFirst antenatal care P1 260 Post-partum P14 331 Pregnancy P2 269 P15 331 P3 255 P16 338 P4 245 P17 341 P5 241 P18 331 P6 248 P19 322 P7 252 P20 231 Delivery P8 378 P21 333 Post-partum P9 376 P22 329 P10 371 P23 326 P11 343 P24 325 P12 338 P25 323 P13 343 Total 3,919 Total 3,861 -
The equivalent coefficients for the first antenatal care, pregnancy, delivery, and post-partum periods were 0.105, 0.290, 0.188, and 0.417, respectively. For more details, see Table 2.
Table 2. Equivalent coefficient of PMTCT intervention period
PMTCT stage Period Equivalent coefficient PMTCT stage Period Equivalent coefficient First antenatal care P1 0.105 Post-partum P14 0.025 Pregnancy P2 0.030 P15 0.016 P3 0.041 P16 0.022 P4 0.045 P17 0.016 P5 0.034 P18 0.008 P6 0.056 P19 0.035 P7 0.084 P20 0.019 Delivery P8 0.188 P21 0.008 Post-partum P9 0.083 P22 0.008 P10 0.060 P23 0.008 P11 0.018 P24 0.008 P12 0.010 P25 0.046 P13 0.027 Total 0.781 Total 0.219 -
These figures can be obtained by transposing the data in Tables 1 and 2 into the formula in 1.4, which shows that a total of 314 HIV-positive pregnant women received standardized PMTCT services in 2017. This number was 349 less than 663, the total number of HIV-positive pregnant women registered that year.
doi: 10.3967/bes2020.099
Calculating the Number of Pregnant Women Receiving Standardized Services for PMTCT of HIV in Liangshan Prefecture, Based on the Equivalent Method
Objective To calculate the number of pregnant women who receive standardized prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services for HIV annually. Methods HIV-positive pregnant women in six counties of Liangshan Prefecture in 2017 were selected as study subjects. The entire process, from when the subjects first received the PMTCT of HIV services to the end, was divided into four stages, which were further divided into 25 phases. The equivalent coefficient was used to indicate the weight of workload in each phase. Seven experts were invited to score the equivalent coefficient; the number of pregnant women who received standardized services to prevent the transmission of HIV was calculated. Results A total of 663 HIV-positive pregnant women were registered in six Liangshan Prefecture counties in 2017. This figure was converted into 7,780 person-months devoted to HIV-positive pregnant women, with 260 person-months (3.34%) spent on the first antenatal care, 1,510 person-months (19.41%) during pregnancy, 378 person-months (4.86%) on delivery, and 5,632 person-months (72.39%) on post-partum period. The equivalent coefficient calculation showed that 314 HIV-positive pregnant women received standardized PMTCT services. Conclusion The number of pregnant women receiving standardized services for the PMTCT of HIV can be calculated accurately using the equivalent method to identify the gap between the level of PMTCT of HIV intervention services needed and the actual workload. -
Key words:
- Equivalent method /
- Standardized services /
- Pregnant women /
Table 1. The number of pregnant women receiving PMTCT services monthly for each phase
PMTCT stage Period Number of person-months
of interventionPMTCT stage Period Number of person-months
of interventionFirst antenatal care P1 260 Post-partum P14 331 Pregnancy P2 269 P15 331 P3 255 P16 338 P4 245 P17 341 P5 241 P18 331 P6 248 P19 322 P7 252 P20 231 Delivery P8 378 P21 333 Post-partum P9 376 P22 329 P10 371 P23 326 P11 343 P24 325 P12 338 P25 323 P13 343 Total 3,919 Total 3,861 Table 2. Equivalent coefficient of PMTCT intervention period
PMTCT stage Period Equivalent coefficient PMTCT stage Period Equivalent coefficient First antenatal care P1 0.105 Post-partum P14 0.025 Pregnancy P2 0.030 P15 0.016 P3 0.041 P16 0.022 P4 0.045 P17 0.016 P5 0.034 P18 0.008 P6 0.056 P19 0.035 P7 0.084 P20 0.019 Delivery P8 0.188 P21 0.008 Post-partum P9 0.083 P22 0.008 P10 0.060 P23 0.008 P11 0.018 P24 0.008 P12 0.010 P25 0.046 P13 0.027 Total 0.781 Total 0.219 -
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