Forty-eight volunteers (23 males and 25 females; age range, 19–39 years) were enrolled in this study. The age (31.36 ± 4.59 years vs. 28.36 ± 4.05 years, P = 0.096) and the incidence (47.83% vs. 56.00%, P = 0.773) of AMS showed no significant difference between men and women. Detailed information is presented in Table 1. The Spearman correlation coefficient between HAH severity and LLS was 0.662 (P < 0.01) in men and 0.626 (P < 0.01) in women.
Table 1. Demographics and physiological indicators in men and women
Parameters Men (n = 23) Women (n = 25) Non-AMS AMS P Non-AMS AMS P Number (%) 12 (52.17) 11 (47.83) 11 (44.00) 14 (56.00) Age (year) 29.17 ± 4.80 31.36 ± 4.59 0.276 26.55 ± 5.45 28.36 ± 4.05 0.350 SaO2 (%) 97.17 ± 0.58 97.36 ± 0.67 0.459 97.82 ± 0.98 97.79 ± 0.43 0.912 Height (cm) 176.42 ± 4.87 173.18 ± 5.17 0.137 162.73 ± 4.50 162.21 ± 4.89 0.790 Weight (kg) 73.17 ± 10.47 74.23 ± 9.03 0.798 60.45 ± 14.07 55.71 ± 6.62 0.275 BMI (kg/m2) 23.53 ± 3.41 24.74 ± 2.70 0.361 22.95 ± 6.16 21.15 ± 2.07 0.315 Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 117.67 ± 10.16 120.36 ± 13.05 0.584 107.09 ± 12.31 107.07 ± 7.57 0.996 Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 80.67 ± 6.89 78.91 ± 8.60 0.593 71.27 ± 7.81 72.79 ± 7.15 0.619 Heart rate (beats/min) 75.08 ± 6.67 77.73 ± 8.14 0.402 75.27 ± 10.68 70.36 ± 8.32 0.208 Mean CBF (mL/100 g/min) 69.67 ± 9.40 79.47 ± 8.73 0.017* 82.89 ± 17.43 80.68 ± 9.95 0.692 Note. Data are mean ± SD. AMS, acute mountain sickness; BMI, body mass index; SaO2, blood oxygen saturation; CBF, cerebral blood flow. *Statistical significance was attributed as P < 0.05. -
The mean cortical CBF in women (81.65 ± 2.69 mL/100 g/min) was higher than that in men (74.35 ± 2.12 mL/100 g/min) (P < 0.05).
The CBF features of the male and female groups are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Cortical CBF values in different arterial territories between non-AMS and AMS in men (A) and in women (B).
In men, the mean cortical CBF was significantly higher in the AMS group than in the non-AMS group (Table 1), and regional CBF was significantly higher in the AMS group in most arterial territories (Table 2).
Table 2. CBF Features in the Non-AMS and AMS groups
Variables Men (n = 23) Women (n = 25) Non-AMS AMS P Non-AMS AMS P R ACA 71.55 ± 9.95 81.80 ± 10.47 0.025* 90.98 ± 20.71 94.25 ± 11.55 0.620 L ACA 75.15 ± 8.85 84.05 ± 9.86 0.033* 93.69 ± 19.78 91.12 ± 9.98 0.676 R MCA 64.39 ± 9.28 73.92 ± 10.24 0.029* 83.56 ± 16.94 79.87 ± 10.20 0.506 L MCA 63.75 ± 8.45 70.25 ± 7.02 0.059 82.16 ± 14.91 79.01 ± 8.12 0.506 R PCA 60.58 ± 9.68 70.86 ± 8.58 0.014* 82.91 ± 19.29 79.76 ± 14.46 0.645 L PCA 61.89 ± 10.69 71.13 ± 8.42 0.033* 86.16 ± 19.95 81.55 ± 14.70 0.512 R PICA 53.65 ± 8.45 61.76 ± 8.84 0.035* 72.40 ± 17.82 69.93 ± 10.73 0.672 L PICA 52.73 ± 8.91 60.21 ± 7.47 0.042* 71.29 ± 14.50 69.91 ± 8.81 0.772 LI ACA 25.52 ± 37.44 13.88 ± 31.56 0.431 15.45 ± 32.47 −16.14 ± 27.10 0.014* LI MCA −15.09
(−20.54, 13.44)−25.64
(−64.00, 13.51)0.288 −6.84 ± 31.23 −4.07 ± 24.62 0.807 LI PCA 7.30 ± 26.29 1.85 ± 27.26 0.630 17.01 ± 24.71 9.10 ± 26.41 0.449 LI PICA −9.71 ± 34.95 −11.53 ± 30.09 0.895 1.31
(22.08, −23.37)−3.10
(−20.27, 12.29)0.936 Note. Data are mean ± SD, and median (interquartile range); Unit of CBF: mL/100g/min; R, right; L, left; CBF, cerebral blood flow; ACA, anterior cerebral artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; PICA, posterior inferior cerebellar artery; LI, laterality index; AMS, acute mountain sickness. *Statistical significance was attributed as P < 0.05. In women, no significant mean cortical CBF difference was found between the AMS and non-AMS groups, but the LI of CBF in the ACA was significantly different between the AMS and non-AMS groups (Table 2).
All variables with statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) in the t-tests and nonparametric tests were selected for univariate logistic regression analysis (Table 3).
Table 3. Univariate logistic regression analysis in men and women
Gender Variables OR P 95% CI Men R ACA 1.127 0.051 1.000−1.270 L ACA 1.129 0.059 0.996−1.281 R MCA 1.108 0.045* 1.002−1.224 R PCA 1.135 0.031* 1.012−1.272 L PCA 1.115 0.056 0.997−1.247 R PICA 1.129 0.057 0.996−1.279 L PICA 1.132 0.066 0.992−1.291 Women LI ACA 0.965 0.027* 0.935−0.996 Note. R, right; L, left; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; ACA, anterior cerebral artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; PICA, posterior inferior cerebellar artery; LI, laterality index. *Statistical significance was attributed as P < 0.05. -
After predictor selection by univariate logistic regression analysis, the predictive ability of the variables (if P < 0.05, univariate logistic regression analysis) was evaluated, and the variable with the largest area under the ROC curve (AUC) was considered the best predictor for AMS (Table 4 and Figure 2). In men, the CBF of the right PCA best predicted AMS (AUC = 0.818, accuracy = 86.96%). In women, the performance of LI in the ACA was good for AMS prediction, with an AUC of 0.753 and an accuracy of 76.00%.
Table 4. Predictive vapacity sssessment in AMS in men and women
Gender Variables AUC (95% CI) Se (%) Sp (%) PPV (%) NPV (%) YI Cutoff Accuracy (%) Men R MCA 0.750 (0.542−0.958) 63.64 83.33 77.78 71.43 0.470 > 71.106 73.91 R PCA 0.818 (0.619−1.000) 81.82 91.67 90.00 84.62 0.735 > 66.468 86.96 Women LI ACA 0.753 (0.558−0.948) 85.71 63.64 75.00 77.78 0.494 ≤ 6.751 76.00 Note. Unit of CBF in Cutoff: mL/100 g/min; AUC: area under the curve; CI: confidence interval; PPV: positive predictive value; NPV: negative predictive value; YI: Youden index; R: right; ACA: anterior cerebral artery; MCA: middle cerebral artery; PCA: posterior cerebral artery; LI: laterality index; AMS: acute mountain sickness. -
The intra- and inter-observer agreements for ROI sketching of the different arterial territories were excellent (ICCs: 0.939–0.990 and 0.951–0.985, respectively).
doi: 10.3967/bes2024.100
Objective To investigate the role of sea-level cerebral blood flow (CBF) in predicting acute mountain sickness (AMS) using three-dimensional pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (3D-pCASL). Methods Forty-eight healthy volunteers reached an altitude of 3,650 m by air after undergoing a head magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) including 3D-pCASL at sea level. The CBF values of the bilateral anterior cerebral artery (ACA), middle cerebral artery (MCA), posterior cerebral artery (PCA), and posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) territories and the laterality index (LI) of CBF were compared between the AMS and non-AMS groups. Statistical analyses were performed to determine the relationship between CBF and AMS, and the predictive performance was assessed using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Results The mean cortical CBF in women (81.65 ± 2.69 mL/100 g/min) was higher than that in men (74.35 ± 2.12 mL/100 g/min) (P < 0.05). In men, the cortical CBF values in the bilateral ACA, PCA, PICA, and right MCA were higher in patients with AMS than in those without. Cortical CBF in the right PCA best predicted AMS (AUC = 0.818). In women, the LI of CBF in the ACA was different between the AMS and non-AMS groups and predicted AMS with an AUC of 0.753. Conclusion Although the mechanism and prediction of AMS are quite complicated, higher cortical CBF at sea level, especially the CBF of the posterior circulatory system, may be used for prediction in male volunteers using non-invasive 3D-pCASL. -
Key words:
- Acute mountain sickness /
- High-altitude headache /
- Cerebral blood flow /
- Arterial spin labeling /
- Magnetic resonance imaging
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
&These authors contributed equally to this work.
Figure 1. Cortical CBF values in different arterial territories between non-AMS and AMS in men (A) and in women (B).
*Significant (P < 0.05) difference of CBF between the non-AMS and AMS groups. R, right; L, left; ACA, anterior cerebral artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; PICA, posterior inferior cerebellar artery; AMS, acute mountain sickness; CBF, cerebral blood flow.
Figure 2. ROC curves of cortical CBF in the right MCA (AUC = 0.750) and right PCA (AUC = 0.818) for predicting AMS in men (A) and LI of cortical CBF in the ACA (AUC = 0.753) for predicting AMS in women (B).
R, right; ACA, anterior cerebral artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; LI, laterality index; AUC, area under curve.
Table 1. Demographics and physiological indicators in men and women
Parameters Men (n = 23) Women (n = 25) Non-AMS AMS P Non-AMS AMS P Number (%) 12 (52.17) 11 (47.83) 11 (44.00) 14 (56.00) Age (year) 29.17 ± 4.80 31.36 ± 4.59 0.276 26.55 ± 5.45 28.36 ± 4.05 0.350 SaO2 (%) 97.17 ± 0.58 97.36 ± 0.67 0.459 97.82 ± 0.98 97.79 ± 0.43 0.912 Height (cm) 176.42 ± 4.87 173.18 ± 5.17 0.137 162.73 ± 4.50 162.21 ± 4.89 0.790 Weight (kg) 73.17 ± 10.47 74.23 ± 9.03 0.798 60.45 ± 14.07 55.71 ± 6.62 0.275 BMI (kg/m2) 23.53 ± 3.41 24.74 ± 2.70 0.361 22.95 ± 6.16 21.15 ± 2.07 0.315 Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 117.67 ± 10.16 120.36 ± 13.05 0.584 107.09 ± 12.31 107.07 ± 7.57 0.996 Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 80.67 ± 6.89 78.91 ± 8.60 0.593 71.27 ± 7.81 72.79 ± 7.15 0.619 Heart rate (beats/min) 75.08 ± 6.67 77.73 ± 8.14 0.402 75.27 ± 10.68 70.36 ± 8.32 0.208 Mean CBF (mL/100 g/min) 69.67 ± 9.40 79.47 ± 8.73 0.017* 82.89 ± 17.43 80.68 ± 9.95 0.692 Note. Data are mean ± SD. AMS, acute mountain sickness; BMI, body mass index; SaO2, blood oxygen saturation; CBF, cerebral blood flow. *Statistical significance was attributed as P < 0.05. Table 2. CBF Features in the Non-AMS and AMS groups
Variables Men (n = 23) Women (n = 25) Non-AMS AMS P Non-AMS AMS P R ACA 71.55 ± 9.95 81.80 ± 10.47 0.025* 90.98 ± 20.71 94.25 ± 11.55 0.620 L ACA 75.15 ± 8.85 84.05 ± 9.86 0.033* 93.69 ± 19.78 91.12 ± 9.98 0.676 R MCA 64.39 ± 9.28 73.92 ± 10.24 0.029* 83.56 ± 16.94 79.87 ± 10.20 0.506 L MCA 63.75 ± 8.45 70.25 ± 7.02 0.059 82.16 ± 14.91 79.01 ± 8.12 0.506 R PCA 60.58 ± 9.68 70.86 ± 8.58 0.014* 82.91 ± 19.29 79.76 ± 14.46 0.645 L PCA 61.89 ± 10.69 71.13 ± 8.42 0.033* 86.16 ± 19.95 81.55 ± 14.70 0.512 R PICA 53.65 ± 8.45 61.76 ± 8.84 0.035* 72.40 ± 17.82 69.93 ± 10.73 0.672 L PICA 52.73 ± 8.91 60.21 ± 7.47 0.042* 71.29 ± 14.50 69.91 ± 8.81 0.772 LI ACA 25.52 ± 37.44 13.88 ± 31.56 0.431 15.45 ± 32.47 −16.14 ± 27.10 0.014* LI MCA −15.09
(−20.54, 13.44)−25.64
(−64.00, 13.51)0.288 −6.84 ± 31.23 −4.07 ± 24.62 0.807 LI PCA 7.30 ± 26.29 1.85 ± 27.26 0.630 17.01 ± 24.71 9.10 ± 26.41 0.449 LI PICA −9.71 ± 34.95 −11.53 ± 30.09 0.895 1.31
(22.08, −23.37)−3.10
(−20.27, 12.29)0.936 Note. Data are mean ± SD, and median (interquartile range); Unit of CBF: mL/100g/min; R, right; L, left; CBF, cerebral blood flow; ACA, anterior cerebral artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; PICA, posterior inferior cerebellar artery; LI, laterality index; AMS, acute mountain sickness. *Statistical significance was attributed as P < 0.05. Table 3. Univariate logistic regression analysis in men and women
Gender Variables OR P 95% CI Men R ACA 1.127 0.051 1.000−1.270 L ACA 1.129 0.059 0.996−1.281 R MCA 1.108 0.045* 1.002−1.224 R PCA 1.135 0.031* 1.012−1.272 L PCA 1.115 0.056 0.997−1.247 R PICA 1.129 0.057 0.996−1.279 L PICA 1.132 0.066 0.992−1.291 Women LI ACA 0.965 0.027* 0.935−0.996 Note. R, right; L, left; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; ACA, anterior cerebral artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; PICA, posterior inferior cerebellar artery; LI, laterality index. *Statistical significance was attributed as P < 0.05. Table 4. Predictive vapacity sssessment in AMS in men and women
Gender Variables AUC (95% CI) Se (%) Sp (%) PPV (%) NPV (%) YI Cutoff Accuracy (%) Men R MCA 0.750 (0.542−0.958) 63.64 83.33 77.78 71.43 0.470 > 71.106 73.91 R PCA 0.818 (0.619−1.000) 81.82 91.67 90.00 84.62 0.735 > 66.468 86.96 Women LI ACA 0.753 (0.558−0.948) 85.71 63.64 75.00 77.78 0.494 ≤ 6.751 76.00 Note. Unit of CBF in Cutoff: mL/100 g/min; AUC: area under the curve; CI: confidence interval; PPV: positive predictive value; NPV: negative predictive value; YI: Youden index; R: right; ACA: anterior cerebral artery; MCA: middle cerebral artery; PCA: posterior cerebral artery; LI: laterality index; AMS: acute mountain sickness. -
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